Friday, 14 April 2017

A week of fun! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

This past week has been the first week of our Easter holidays. Every day we have done something fun and the girls have loved it.

On Monday we had a lazy day....A great way to start the holidays. The girls played on the computers and tablets. I caught up on the housework and we didn't really do much. It was lovely just to relax. We still had fun doing nothing!

Tuesday was our baking day. The girls made cupcakes without much help from me then we went to meet Stu from work and we had a look around the market and the charity shops, bought more Easter eggs and treated ourselves to a pick and mix from Wilko's.

 Wednesday we made play dough. The girls made it themselves and thought it was brilliant.....Ellie played with it all day!! She only stopped to go to the toilet and to eat and even then she was reluctant. Playing with the play dough was more important. hehehe

 Yesterday we went to the park....It was still quite chilly so it meant the park was practically empty. Hooray! On the way home we called into the sandwich shop for an all day breakfast which was a real treat....Then the kids made pizza for their tea....

Today we are having an Easter egg hunt....I have gone way over the top with Easter eggs but I'm sure the girls won't say no to chocolate. hehehe

I do love the school holidays....I get to spend quality time with my girls doing lots of fun things....We have another week of the holidays and we already have a few plans including family coming to visit, a trip to the beach and a trip to the cinema.....


  1. Sounds like you've had a good week. We did some baking yesterday but with all the Easter treats I think we will need to complete another session next weekend.

    1. We did. Thank you. I think we will be baking again soon to use up all the leftover chocolate. hehehe

  2. Sounds eggs-cellent.. sorry.. hehehehe hope you have a lovely Easter x

    1. hehehe! That made me laugh out loud!
      We did. Thank you x

  3. What a lovely start to your Easter holidays. Having a lazy day is always nice and those cupcakes your girls made look very yummy. Love the photos of your girls in the park and hope you enjoy your Easter egg hunt today :-) #WotW

    1. Thank you! It has been a fab start to the holidays. x

  4. What a great week. I feel so bad that I have had to work over our Easter break. It wasn't what I planned. Enjoy next week too #WotW

    1. Oh no! So sorry you had to work. My fella had too as well. The joys of working in retail. Thank you x

  5. What a lovely week you're had, and like
    you I do just love the school holidays. Having the kids at home is so much fun.
    Sounds like you have the balance between lazy days and activity just about right. Baking is also something we love doing together, too. Hope your Easter egg hunt was fun!!

    1. It has been fantastic. So much fun.
      Thank you x

  6. Isn't it wonderful when they do most of the making and baking by themselves? I've just about trained mine to clear up afterwards too, but that's still work in progress. Your week sounds the perfect way to unwind after a school term. Your two girls look like they get on so well. Hope your Easter egg hunt went well. Ha! The idea that children will turn down chocolate. #wotw

    1. Ahh! It is wonderful but I felt a bit redundant with them doing everything....My two are not that good at clearing up after themselves yet. Hmmf. lol
      Thank you x

  7. I love holiday time and getting the chance to chill with the boys and Chris and I also love getting that chance to bake its so relaxing x

  8. Fun is definitely the word, looks like a great week! That perfect mix of lounging and activities, glad you've all enjoyed it x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  9. What's Easter without an egg hunt. Love playdough sadly eldest is less impressed. #WotW

    1. We had a great time with the egg hunt. Oh no. Such a shame your eldest doesn't like playdough. Mine play with it for hours. lol
