Saturday, 8 April 2017

A photo everyday for a year - Week 14 #Project365

The Easter holidays are finally here. Hooray! We have a few things planned. Trips to the park, making play dough, baking and we will probably have a movie afternoon with sweets and popcorn....Nothing exciting but we're all about relaxing during the school holidays.....

The past week has been busy. There's been so much going on at Ellie's school and I seemed to have failed at taking interesting photos. Oops. I have managed one for everyday still though.

91/365 - 1st April
Lunchtime....They do love a packed lunch.

92/365 - 2nd April
I took this in the early hours of Sunday morning when I went to bed....She had snuck in my bed....She was moved. hehehe

93/365 - 3rd April
I had a lovely delivery from Co-op food.

94/365 - 4th April
This is a really rubbish photo but it was the only one I took all day...I blame the fact I was driven crazy by the smoke alarm making a stupid crackling noise. The only way I could see the name was zoom in with my phone camera. lol The company said there was a known fault and are going to send a new one out. Phew.

95/365 - 5th April
Ice cream.

96/365 - 6th April
Our Sea Monkeys have hatched and they are growing. (Bad photo again. Sorry)

97/365 - 7th April
And so it begins....She thinks she's spending 2 weeks of the holidays on her tablet with her headphones on....No chance. hehehe


  1. Ooo sea monkeys! Never knew sea monkeys was a real thing! Mmmm chocolate eggs!

  2. Quite right at not allowing all the time on her tablet. At least modern kids use headphones and dont blast out parents and neighbours.
    Cruel mummy for moving her.....I would have done as well.

    1. hehehe! I suppose that is one advantage to kids now. I remember being her age and blasting out music.
      Thank you x

  3. How exciting that the sea monkeys have hatched! My younger son has his headphones in and is glued to his tablet too. Definitely not for the whole holidays! Enjoy the break :)

    1. Ahh! She has been really good today not being on electronics all day.
      Thank you x

  4. Yum easter eggs. Hope you're successful removing the tablet from her. Thankfully N's not using the tablet much anymore, but tv is his thing. With the weather being better he will spend the time outdoors instead

    1. Oh yes! She has had time off the tablet today...
      Ahh! It is easier to get them outside when the weather is nicer. x

  5. Sea monkeys! How exciting. I always wanted them when I was a kid. #365

  6. good luck with the screen time, what activities do you have planned?

    1. Thank you. We're baking, making play dough, going to the market & park and having a film afternoon x

  7. That was a nice parcel from the Co-op! My boys are the same with the tablets... We're on holiday next week and I'm sure they'll be expecting to do the same :)

  8. My eldest would be happy watching TV and being on her tablet the whole time! No chance here either! Have a good easter break!
