Wednesday, 6 December 2017

10 things my family argue about throughout December!

I love this time of year. We have so many giggles and happy moments but then there is the arguments....Every year we have the same silly arguments over the same daft things which is just stupid!

Every day the kids want to eat their chocolate out of their advent calendars as soon as they get up. That is never going to happen. They know the rules. Breakfast first but they still try their luck! It is even worse on Christmas morning with selection

Every year the kids argue over who puts the star on the top of the tree....We say they take turns but we always forget who did it last year....This year I did it. hehehe

Every year as soon as someone goes near the Elf Ellie shouts at them....Becky loves to wind her up by pretending to nearly touch it!

Every year I obsess about finding fancy stuffing....Stu just doesn't understand that yes I do need the apricot and pork balls or cranberry and stuffing shaped stars....I need at least 4 different stuffing's on my Christmas dinner....

Every year I get angry that Stu has to work Christmas eve then feels obliged to go out for drinks afterwards....We hardly see him on Christmas eve but thankfully this year he is not working Christmas Eve this year so can spend the day with us & go out for drinks with his workmates....

Every year we argue about wrapping presents....I hate wrapping with a passion and my fella does too. We always say we will get everything wrapped by mid-December but it never happens. Coming up to midnight on Christmas eve we will be found having heated words arguing over the one roll of sellotape we can find....

No one will help me in the kitchen.....When they do help they don't do what I have 

Every year the kids will not want to sit and eat Christmas dinner....Playing with their presents is more important....I'm sure I was the same when I was their age but as parent I just want one perfect meal a year.

We all argue about what we want to watch on TV....Last year I think it was something like Frozen and The Lion King on at the same time....I wasn't bothered but Ellie wanted Frozen & Becky wanted The Lion King....Frozen won and therefor in Becky's eyes Ellie won...Ugh!

Monopoly! I have a family of cheaters!

Please tell me that my family and I are not the only ones to argue over silly things in December!


  1. We have lots of arguments but never about chocolate; they're allowed to eat their advent chocs as soon as they get up and breakfast on Christmas day is always whatever chocolates have been received as presents! 😊

  2. Love this post! We definitely have the television argument, and I'm usually arguing with my husband about the best time to do the shop for Christmas food - I want to buy it all well in advance but he likes to leave it to the last minute and I worry that everything will be out of stock!

  3. Haha the arguing over the one roll of sticky tape that you can find sounds familiar. Where does it all go?

  4. You are not alone! Our Jayden cheats when playing Monopoly and his dad well, he gets grumpy if somebody beats him lol, he is too competitive. 😂 I never gloat when I win of course Haha!!! 😉 xx

  5. Hi Kim, I love this, it's refreshingly 'normal'. I hate wrapping with a passion too, but I do like gifts to look nice. The only person who can reach the top of the tree is my husband so no arguing about the star and I hate it when hubby has to work Christmas eve too.

    Thank you for linking up with the #MMBC.


  6. I just had visions of my brother and I argueing as my mother yells "don't make me come back there!" LOL #PoCoLa

  7. been there, done that and don't miss any of it, the kids get money and i don't mind wrapping the few gifts we do buy for one another. as for christmas dinner, this will be the 4th year we've gone out for the day, in the past we've joined friends when the kids have been with their other parent so i've not minded helping out in the kitchen #pocolo

  8. Hehe, Kim. Love Christmas. I can not wait for the boys to get home, lots of fun or banta as they call it when there is 6 of us :) #pocolo

  9. I think all families bicker a bit over Christmas. While it's a lovely time, it's a time when we're all together for perhaps a bit longer than normal after a lot of excitement!! Good that Stu's not working Christmas Eve this year :)

  10. Oh this sounds so familiar!! Phew! Thanks for sharing with #PoCoLo
