Sunday, 31 December 2017

A photo everyday for a year - Week 52 #Project365

I finally did it! I took a photo every day for a year. I think for the previous years I missed a day or two but this year I smashed it! 

I hope you all had a fab Christmas....We did!
Have a fantastic new years eve whatever you are doing.....We're spending it at home, having a party tea and playing board games....Wishing you all the best for 2018!

Here is the final week of photos! I will be taking part again next year....I'm on a roll now. hehehe

357/365 - 23rd December
Decorating shortbread snowmen....

358/365 - 24th December
Christmas eve - Chinese takeaway for tea!

359/365 - 25th December
Christmas day - Unwrapping their presents....

360/365 - 26th December
Becky my teen got off her tablet & phone & did something creative....

361/365 - 27th December
More crafts. A painted puppy....

362/365 - 28th December
Digging for dinosaurs. They had such fun making a mess....

363/365 - 29th December
Painting a pug by numbers....

364/365 - 30th December
I got myself a new diary for next year....

365/365 - 31st December
I'm all set for tonight! 

Happy new year!


  1. Lots of lovely food, gifts, memories and laughter shared. What a lovely way to spend Christmas x

  2. Lol, I know just how messy digging for dinosaurs is! Happy New year #365

  3. Ooh lots of crafting and activities. Looks like you all had a good Christmas. Happy 2018

  4. It looks like a lovely week of crafting for you all! That's something we never do, none of us have the patience!
    Happy new year to you all. x

    1. Ahh! My girls love crafts.
      Thank you! Wishing you all the best for 2018 x

  5. a fun packed week of family activities, do your 2 girls ever argue? they always look like they get on so well. Happy New Year to you all and look forward to seeing more in 2018

    1. hahaha! Yep! They fight like cat & dog. They look at each other and it can cause an argument. lol I just seem to capture the happy moments. Thank you! Wishing you all the best for 2018 x

    2. lol yes we use to say when DD1 and DD2 were younger the only thing they had in common was they hated each other and would fight and argue most of the time.

  6. Awww what a lovely collection of happy photos. All the best for the new year X #bloggersbest

  7. Lots of crafting fun has been had, love the painted pup. Not had a Chinese in a while, our only decent one changed hands and went downhill.
    Last year due to illness I missed I think 4 pictures but as you say becomes a habit and a lovely thing to do.
    Great you manage to get both the girls in most of the photos.

    1. Thank you. Oh no! That's a shame about the Chinese. Ours is always changing hands but so far it's always been OK..

  8. Yay well done on managing the whole year! Looks like you had a fab Christmas.

    Happy new Year to you all! x

    1. Thank you! There were some days where I almost forgot and it was a rush photo before bed. hehehe x

  9. Wow that's quite an undertaking - I'm not sure I could even do it for a month! #bloggersbest
