Friday, 8 December 2017

Feeling festive. #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

I think every word for the next few weeks will be Christmas related....hehehe

Last Friday the Christmas decorations went up and everything is looking so pretty in here....Even our wonky tree. We went to see the lights been switched on in town and it has really put me in the Christmassy mood....

I sat down earlier in the week and added everything to the Tesco online grocery basket which we need for the Christmas week....I think I have remembered everything. I will probably be going back and adding and removing things as I expect some of the prices will change in the run up to Christmas. Thank goodness for the Clubcard vouchers my bill has been taken down from £241.40 to £169.30. There is plenty of treats, alcohol and things we don't usually buy so the price isn't too bad.....

My dad has given us a date for his Christmas visit....Eek! I can't wait to see him. The last time we did was round about this time last year and a lot has happened since I saw him. He isn't a huggy person but he will be getting one from me....

I jokingly mentioned to him that Ellie has said she wants a bike for Christmas....She hadn't mentioned it until the other day and has left it a little late for me to anything about it since I've already bought her main present....He has gone out and bought her a bike and Becky too....Becky wasn't bothered about a bike but he is the type of person that if he buys one child he has to buy the other the same too....For Stu and I he has bought a new oven....Ours is on it's last legs and I was dreading cooking Christmas lunch in it. My dad really is making Christmas special for us this year.....

I got all the girls Christmas presents out during the week to check what they had....I hope they are not disappointed. There piles will be smaller this year than previous years despite me spending more this year.....I know Becky understands that electronics cost more than toys....I just need to explain that to Ellie too....I did make one last order with Amazon to get some board games as I had totally forgotten about that part of Christmas. 

I ordered the Christmas cards to come with the shopping tomorrow and the girls Gingerbread houses that they will build soon....Hopefully over the weekend we will be making some mince pies....It seems years since we made our own.

Now all I have to buy is selection boxes.....I think I have everything else covered! I feel on top of things this year....Hooray!


  1. Sounds lovely! :)

  2. How lovely to have your Dad for Christmas and that he is spoiling you. Your tree looks lovely, a lot like mine, which I haven't managed to photograph yet! As the kids get older the presents get more expensive and the piles get smaller. That's the issue I have with two older girls and a little man, his toys tend to be bigger and cheaper and it looks like he has more. The girls will just have to understand. particularly as they asked for Sylvanian families and they are really expensive. Can't wait to hear more of your festivity x

  3. What a lovely week! Your dad is spoiling you all, it's wonderful. And now you've got me thinking we need selection boxes! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

  4. How lovely of your Dad to spoil you all, I bet the girls will be delighted with bikes for Christmas. Your tree looks lovely and festive x
