Sunday, 24 December 2017

Merry Christmas Eve...

Are we all ready for tomorrow? I think I am!

The shopping was delivered yesterday. There was 19 substitutions. 18 were better than what I ordered. I had ordered a Minecraft 2018 calendar for Ellie and they sent a Hot Wheels Advent calendar. Not the same and not much use considering it was the 23rd of December. lol The only thing not delivered which was needed was potatoes. Just normal potatoes to use for mash....I nipped out last night to Iceland and bought some and a few other bits and pieces I had forgotten about like Trifle, sausage rolls and lemons. I also picked up some more stuffing. We have about 6 different types now. hahaha I love stuffing!

The kids are beyond excited. There has been presents under the tree from family since last Sunday and then more arrived from Jayne and then more family visited and brought presents too....We are all feeling very loved and lucky!

This morning we're going to Asda to buy some new pj's for us all....I know which one's I want and I hope they have them in. Eek! I might get a few more stocking fillers for the girls and then the shopping is done....

I am cooking the meat this afternoon....We're having Turkey, pork & beef so if I don't we probably wouldn't be having dinner until about 8pm I have all the stuffing, roast potatoes and parsnips to cook tomorrow. 

We will all have baths and we're having a Chinese takeaway for tea....I can't wait!

Once the kids are in bed, my fella and I will last the last of the presents and hopefully get an early night, ready for the big day.....

This post was supposed to be a short one....hahaha 

All I really wanted to say was I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas! I hope you get all the gifts you have asked for, eat, drink & be merry!


  1. Happy Christmas Kim, from my family to yours :) xx

  2. Merry Christmas to you and your family, I hope you have a lovely day X

  3. Happy Christmas. Laughing at the idea of an advent calendar as a substitution for a yearly calendar
