Saturday, 23 December 2017

A photo everyday for a year - Week 51 #Project365

We have had such a busy week....Family has visited, there's been so much going on at school for the girls, we spent a few days without a washing machine when it broke. It's fixed now and we are slowly catching up on the pile of washing...The kids finally finished school yesterday and we are ready for a break....

Here is a photo for every day!

329/365 - 16th December

330/365 - 17th December
I got my new cooker. Hooray!

331/365 - 18th December
We went to the school carol service at the church. The chairs are pretty to look at but they are so uncomfortable....

332/365 - 19th December
The last of the presents I had to wrap....

333/365 - 20th December
My youngest had to have pretty nails for her school party....

334/365 - 21st December
That big white thing is the new drum for the washing machine. After 3 hours of the repairman being here it was finally fixed.

335/365 - 22nd December
I went out for breakfast with friends...


  1. Those are some pretty nails. Delicious looking wine & hope the gift wrapping is all done. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas x

  2. A new cooker and a repair to a washing machine is not what you need so close to Christmas.
    Lovely nails and glad you got some family time.
    Have a great Christmas

  3. Glad you got the washing machine fixed. Those chairs would mean a sore bum after a while I'm sure.

  4. Love your daughters pretty nails and phew to get washing machine sorted. Hope you enjoyed the wine #365

  5. Glad you got your washing machine fixed! Hope you all had a lovely Christmas. x

  6. Oh glad the washing machine is fixed! I can't be without mine!! Hope you are enjoying the hols!
