Saturday, 16 December 2017

A photo everyday for a year - Week 50 #Project365

This past week I have been full of cold....Thankfully we didn't have much on so I have been able to rest. Next week there is so much going on. My dad and his girlfriend are coming to visit over the weekend. There is carol services, Ellie has 2 parties, the class one and one with the school choir...She's also off to see Joe McElderry in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat as a reward for taking part in the school performance of Joseph earlier in the year....Becky my has end of term exams, then on Friday at 1pm it will be the end of term and we have more family visiting! Hooray! 

Here is a photo for every day!

322/365 - 9th December
The kids made gingerbread houses....They had fantastic fun!

323/365 - 10th December
It finally snowed....

324/365 - 11th December
Ellie really struggled to find Elfie on Monday....He was in such an obvious place too. lol

325/365 - 12th December
I was sent some fabulous drinks to try from The Co-Op.

326/365 - 13th December
She loves her hair when it's been in plaits...

327/365 - 14th December
Ellie was an angel in her school play...

328/365 - 15th December
I was too tired to think up anything clever for the elf to do....He wore a dress and sat on the shelf. lol


  1. How exciting to be going to see Joseph! One of my favourite shows ever - I first saw it when I was 5 and have loved it ever since! I can't believe your kids break up so late, although I do think mine broke up a bit early! I think the 20th is a good date to break up. Hope you are over your cold now.

  2. Love the gingerbread houses looks like they kept the girls occupied for quite some time

  3. Ooh I loved Joseph as a girl. Hope Becky enjoys it. Those gingerbread houses are great. Have a great Christmas and new year

  4. What a lovely week. I love the gingerbread houses, they are fab. Joseph as a girl is excellent. Hope you have had another great week x

  5. Those gingerbread houses look fab! Hope you are feeling better now!

  6. I remember my girls doing Joseph at primary school,only a small school and every child had a small part and the whole area spent the Summer in tee shirts with Joseph on.
    Great gingerbread houses.

  7. I do love the musical Joseph. I took part in it as a child and I went to see it at the theatre with Jason Donovan. Hope she enjoyed the show.
