Monday, 4 June 2018

Back to school & work. #mealplanningmonday

Considering my fella was off work and the kids were off school for half term we ate just about everything last week....All that we missed was the roast dinner. I didn't fancy cooking one yesterday.

Today the kids are back to school and my fella is back to work. I have loved having them all home but it will be nice to have some time to myself and get the house tidied properly.

This week on the menu we have:

Monday - A roast chicken dinner.....
WednesdaySausages with Sticky caramelised onion Bbq sauce. I will be adding mushrooms, onions and peppers & we'll be having it with wedges....
Thursday - Tuna, onion and sweetcorn pasta....
Friday - Pizza....
Saturday - Fried chicken, onion rings, garlic mushrooms and picky things....
Sunday - Pie, mash & veg....

If you want to see what other people are eating The Organised Life Project and Katykicker have a linky!


  1. Love the sound of that BBQ sauce!

  2. Reading this menu is making me feel hungry. You have a delicious week ahead of you x #mmbc

  3. Set a place for me please! Hehe. 🤣 Thursday is one of my favourites, but Saturday sounds really tempting too! x

  4. The ketchup noodle stir fry sounds delicious. I love ketchup so another opportunity to use it would be great! #MMBC

  5. Sounds like a great meal plan! Enjoy getting back to normal this week :)

  6. Lovely meal plan. I love the sound of the stir fry and the barbecue sausages. Thanks for linking up x
