Friday, 29 June 2018

Feeling hot, hot, hot! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

I love the sunshine....It is great for getting the washing dried and it puts everyone in such a good mood. What I don't like is the heat that comes with it.....

On Friday Ellie spent most of the day outside at school for sports day....She had a fab time and I had a fab time watching her. There was a nice breeze but half an hour after getting home I realised how much we had caught the sun. My arms were burnt....Eek! On Friday night/Saturday morning Ellie wasn't well. She had a sore head and was sick a couple of times. I am putting it down to heat stroke. I made her drink plenty of water and stay inside out of the sun and she was fine by Monday....

I knew Ellie hadn't drank enough at school on Monday and by Tuesday morning she wasn't feeling well again. I thought she was putting it on and we got halfway to school then she was sick so we came back home and she spent the day on the sofa, having cuddles off Monkey with me nagging at her to drink water....

I think I have said "have a drink" more this week than any other. Ellie seems to sweat more than the average child and in turn needs to drink more. The doctors have said it's down to the issues with her heart. 

Even Becky who always feels cold has been coming in from school without her blazer on....She has been having cold showers to cool down and the screeches coming from the bathroom are

As long as I can stay in the house with the blinds shut I am It's taken me 38 years to realise that keeping the doors and windows shut when it's hot outside keeps it cooler inside....Doh! 

I did have to go out in the heat earlier this week. We had an end of year review with Ellie's teacher and it was interesting and reassuring. She said how proud she is of Ellie and how she has tried her hardest over the last term. Ellie is feeling so positive about school at the moment and it is all down to a fantastic teacher! I hope it continues when she goes up to the secondary school in September. We received a letter from the SEND people at the secondary school this week and confirmed that Ellie will be having extra support given to her. They said they will be in touch soon to arrange a meeting.


  1. Oh dear, poor Ellie. I've been going on at my two about drinking in this heat, too, it really does make such a huge difference. I hope she's feeling well now. Her review sounds very positive, good feedback to move onto her next school with x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  2. Me too Kim, love the sunshine but hate the heat. Poor Ellie, it's bad enough for us adults in this weather but kids really struggle don't they. Great news about the extra support for high school. Have a lovely weekend x #wotw

  3. Ah well done Ellie that is wonderful news, and I love that she is having such a great experience. The heat has been amazing but I have not sat out much this week I have dad so many jobs to keep up with I think I am straight to enjoy the weekend now. Have a fab weekend x

  4. Sorry to hear about Ellie. Drinking fluids us so important. I have my blinds down, ugh to the heat. Thank goodness for cold showers X #wotw

  5. I hope Ellie is feeling better now, it sounds like she's doing well at school, I hope it continues when she moves to secondary, I'm glad they are keeping up with her needs. x


  6. The heat has been relentless over the last week or so. Poor Ellie being unwell with it. I've had heat stroke in the past and it really is unpleasant. So important to keep hydrated. Glad to hear that Becky seems to be coping ok with it though and that Ellie will have extra support at secondary school x #WotW
