Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Elizabeth Shaw Luxury Chocolates - Teacher gifts!

Now is the time of year where all of us with children are thinking about the end of term and buying gifts for the wonderful teachers who have taught our children over the past year...

Chocolate always makes such a great gift and Elizabeth Shaw has a fantastic range to choose from....

I was lucky enough to be sent a selection of Elizabeth Shaw products to have a look at and of course a try....When it arrived even the postman was curious to what it was as it came in the pretty white bag pictured above. 

Milk Orange Crisp - £3.50

Enjoy the tempting taste of refreshingly moreish Orange Crisp, with zesty orange oil blended into creamy milk chocolate and melt in the mouth honeycomb crisp.

I have tried the mint one's of these before and loved them so it was no surprise that I loved these too....They are delicious. Very orangey and crispy. Once the kids spotted them they didn't last long at all....

Amaretto Flutes - £2.50

Smooth milk chocolate flavoured with bitter-sweet amaretto.

Presented in the ideal box for sharing with friends, these Flutes are the best secret weapon to bring out when entertaining. They also make a decadently different decoration to edge a celebration cake....

The kids sniffed these and decided they were not for them. Hooray! hehehe I am not a fan of amaretto to drink but I do like it in things like cakes or chocolate. These felt like a very indulgent treat.

Raisin & Cocoa biscuits - £1.79

Sink your teeth into the crisp biscuit, covered in chewy caramel and topped with raisins and crunchy decadent cocoa nibs and smothered in rich dark chocolate.

Out of all the things I tried these were my favourite. The kids didn't get a look in. I hid them away for myself. Over the past week I have enjoyed a couple each afternoon with a cup of tea....They are such a treat. I was sad when I ate the last one but I will be finding more to hide in my treat cupboard.

All of these things would make fantastic gifts for teachers. I know if I was a teacher I would be more than happy to receive them!

Elizabeth Shaw products are available in the supermarkets so easy to pick up during the weekly shop. I have already added some of the biscuits to my online shop. You can buy these tasty treats from Tesco, Sainsbury's, Asda, Morrisons, Waitrose, Lidl, Wilkinson, Booths and other independent stores.

I was sent these Elizabeth Shaw products free of charge in exchange for this blog post....


  1. I've not had Elizabeth Shaw chocolates in years, they were a dinner party staple of my childhood. #TriedTested

  2. OOO I LOVE Elizabeth Shaw's th flavour is so good, espeically the dinner ones X #triedtested

  3. I just retired from teaching Kinder - I can assure you the teachers loved this gift! Super practical and super cute. Love them! Thanks for sharing.
