Friday, 1 June 2018

This week my Word of the Week is: Half-Term. #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

We have had a week of being together. The kids have been off school for half term and my fella has had a weeks holiday from work. It has been lovely. 

For most of the time the kids have got along and have played together. They have of course had their moments. Arguing over who sits where, who has the most grapes, who has to go into the shower first...The silly things.

On Monday we went to our favourite park....Ridley park in Blyth. A town near us. It was packed. The water play park had opened for the summer and everyone surrounded that....

The weather hasn't been great this week. Typical for the kids being off school. It's been chilly and grey but we have had fun and the girls haven't really complained about being bored....They have always found something to do.

Stu has done some DIY and weeded the front garden. I can't believe how many weeds there was considering it's just full of stones....

I found myself doing a bit of gardening mid-week. I am not much of a gardener since we don't really have one. I won a giveaway from Fee's blog One of Each Me and Mine and I received a Seasonal Plant Collection from Lazy Flora. The plants and flowers are just lovely....

All week we have enjoyed watching the Britain's Got Talent live shows.....It has been something we have really looked forward to each day. They do time it perfectly having it on during half term.....

We have just been relaxing and unwinding this week. I will be sad to see these holidays end. When the kids go back to school it is the beginning of the end of Primary school for Ellie....There is only about 8 weeks left until the end of term. Eek!


  1. Sounds like it's been a lovely half-term for you and your girls even if the weather hasn't been the best. I love those flowers and the girls look like they had fun at the park. Can't believe that Ellie's about to start her last half-term in primary school. #WotW

    1. It has been lovely. We had a great week.
      I know tell me about it. I am probably going to cry off and on for the next 8 weeks. I don't want her to leave Primary. x

  2. The girls look like they have had lots of fun at the park. It's great to hear that the weather didn't stop them having a good half-term. The planters look lovely, well done on your win ! Have a great weekend x

    1. Thank you! We have really made the most of this week and the couple of days we had out stayed dry. Phew x

  3. We love Blyth Park too - we were going to go on Wednesday but it was grey and I'd much rather save it for a sunny day like you xx

    1. Ahh! Saving it for a sunny day sounds like the best plan.
      I was gobsmacked to how busy it was on Monday. Nearly all of the grass around the water park was full of people. I have a feeling it will be even busier on a red hot day!
      You came up in conversation today. We were at Amble and we saw the little beach huts that are now shops and I said I saw it on your vlog. hehehe

  4. It looks like the girls have had a great half term. I love the flowers you won, how pretty x
