Saturday, 23 June 2018

Father's Day, Curry & Sports Day - Week 25. #Project365

I was so glad when Friday evening came around....This week has been crazy. I need a break from all the adulting. The kids especially Ellie, my youngest has had so much going on at school. We have been getting letters most days about all the end of term trips, events and meetings at the moment I feel like I'm bound to forget something. The weekend seems a nice break from all the responsibilities. There is no homework or reading to do either so that is a nice treat. 

Now for a photo every day....

166/365 - 16th June
The kids wrapped their dad's father's day presents.

167/365 - 17th June
My fella was very happy with his gifts and have great fun opening them. (The kids helped) and I managed to get a nice photo of the three of them. Usually they mess about and pull faces....

168/365 - 18th June
Ellie has a cookery lesson at school and cooked a curry. It really smelled better than it looked. 

169/365 - 19th June
Becky on the big computer....She was actually doing homework.

170/365 - 20th June
I buy mini muffins from the pound shop and in each tub you randomly get one of these pastry/biscuit things and they are delicious. I always get to them before the kids. They have no idea they exist.

171/365 - 21st June
We were sent a Minecraft novel to review....Becky got to it first and has started reading it. Ellie is itching to get her hands on it.

172/365 - 22nd June
It was Ellie's last sports day and she did well....She came first in a couple of races and had a fab time.


  1. Oh, you naughty thing, sneakily eating the biscuits before the kids spot them, lol! I've seen those muffins in the Poundland too, haven't tried them yet. And may I join you in a break from adulting?! I'm a bit fed up of being responsible for everything here. Minecraft novel sounds great, I bet Eddie would love it too.

  2. The girls look like they could be twins in that first photo! And the secret biscuit made me laugh so much!!

  3. I remember school always being so busy after the sats, then the last few weeks absolutely nothing. Love the secret biscuit eating, that's 10 points for top parenting lol

  4. Love that you make sure you get first dibs on the biscuits. Well done to Ellie.

  5. Glad the final sports day went well. Had to laugh at the kids not even knowing the pastries exist! I think that's fair enough!

  6. Glad the sports day went well, that's a lot of stickers. I like those tubs from the pound shop too - just for the tubs mostly!

  7. What a lovely selection of photos. Glad the sports day went well! #365

  8. Nice collection of pics this week and everyone is so busy. #MMBC

  9. Well done on the sports day results and glad the curry went well #365

  10. Bob would love the minecraft book.
    Nice that she did well in her last sports day.
    had to laugh - they know they exist now if they read your blog.

  11. Well done to Ellie in her races! My eldest 2 are obsessed with Minecraft so I'll look out for it #project635
