Friday, 22 June 2018

We're all loving the football. #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

This week seems to have flown over despite the fact that we haven't really done much. We have had a fair bit of rain so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Ellie's sports day isn't cancelled today...

We have spent most of the week watching the football....The whole week has revolved around it. When I was planning the meals for this week I went for easy meals which could be cooked in the slow cooker or made quickly. I have been dishing the food up during half time. lol

I have seen most of every match. I did end up turning the Iran v Spain one off Wednesday because of the noise the Vuvuzelas were making. They were giving me a headache!

The kids are even getting into the football. I would say Becky more than Ellie. The news came on between the matches the other day and Ellie turned around and said "finally some normal TV". lol She decided at the beginning of the World Cup that Japan was going to win and so far so In the last World Cup she choose Germany and they won so she thinks if she chooses someone, they win! lol

Becky has chosen Portugal to win....I'm sure it is just to annoy me because she knows how much I hate Ronaldo. She has been getting rather shouty at the TV. Telling people to get up and stop being a wimp after they've been fouled and she was fuming with the referee in the England match.

The only thing we can all agree on that we love is the Hey Duggee, World Cup song.....hehehe We actually heard it on the radio the other day and it made is laugh so much....


  1. It has certainly been taking over! We've watched a fair few games and our wall chart is all up to date! Looking forward to Sunday, fingers crossed x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  2. Ha ha I love it Kim it is still passing me by a bit although it is on the TV all the time I have been so busy blogging and my head stuck in my lap top I have missed it all, although I have a feeling i will have to watch on Sunday x

  3. I've been watching loads too, but I'm also doing my matched betting so it has a little more interest. I had to turn the Spain Iran match off for the same reasons. At least the vuvuzela's are not in every match like the last World Cup. x

  4. I usually avoid the footie at all costs but I've been enjoying this years world cup. Auto Trader are giving away a car each time England score so that could be my motivation for watching lol. Have a great weekend x

  5. I have to admit that I haven't watched any of it! Glad you are enjoying it though :-) #WotW
