Saturday, 16 June 2018

Science, washing and flower power. Week 24. #Project365

Another week over....They seem to be going so quickly in the run up to summer. We seem to have all the weather this week. Sunshine, rain and the wind which was determined to ruin my back yard by blowing the plants everywhere.

Now for a photo every day....

159/365 - 9th June
Ellie was trying out a fab science kit....

160/365 - 10th June
Working on his computer again....

161/365 - 11th June
On Monday I had all this washing to fold and put away....

162/365 - 12th June
I printed the vouchers ready for the fair next weekend....

163/365 - 13th June
I organised the cupboards and made use of the tubs that the muffins came in.

164/365 - 14th June
The school was selling the kids artwork. We of course bought Ellie's...

165/365 - 15th June
Flower power....hehehe


  1. sounds like an interesting science set. Love the artwork #365

  2. That's a crafty was of making money for the school selling the artwork! I think you should farm out the folding to the kids

  3. Beautiful artwork! Well done, Ellie! The science kit looks exciting too. Can you come and organise my kitchen too? :)

  4. I'm having a wash day Monday. I have to catch up on all the washing I didn't get chance to do over the weekend :) It never ends, does it Kim!? #MMBC

  5. You have a budding artist and the science kit looks like fun. #MMBC

  6. ooh im not sure I would've bought the art work, a bit sneaky lol but an excellent fundraiser, that sure is some washing. i don't envy you at all

  7. That is a mega lot of washing and some serious biscuit sorting! Have fun at the fair! #project365

  8. Looks like you have all been busy this week. Glad you bought the art work - great to see it framed.

  9. Lovely artwork! Think my eldest would love a science kit. Sounds like a productive week!
