Thursday 7 June 2018

Things I will miss about Primary School....

In the run up to Easter Ellie's school had a church service and my fella said this would be the last one we see because Ellie will be at the secondary school when Christmas comes around. I was a little sad but it didn't bother me too much....

Now a few weeks later it is starting to hit me that we're having all the lasts with primary school.....We have just had the last half term and we're in the short run to the summer holidays....Secondary school is not the same as Primary school. They don't do many fun things and parents are not really involved in school life like primary school.....

There is a lot of things I won't miss about the primary school days but also a lot of things I will miss terribly.....

World Book Day / Dress up days...
There will be no more running around the day before trying to find a costume that Ellie approves of for school.....BUT I will miss those days. I loved Ellie walking to school dressed up. She was always so excited then getting to school and seeing all of the other kids.

The school run....
Even though Ellie has been walking home from school with her friends we have still been taking her to school on a morning. She needs that extra push in the morning. I think she's going to be in for a shock in September when she has to leave 25 minutes earlier. Eek! I will actually miss the school run. There will still be a couple of my friends left in the school yard after we have left and I will quite miss our little chats.

I used to love going to see Ellie's class assembly....I am going to really miss them. The kids always put so much hard work in learning their lines and as they got older helping to plan them too....It is lovely to see what they have been learning about at school.

Random certificates.
Things like reader or writer or the week. There is so much encouragement in primary school which they don't get in secondary school.....Ellie was always so proud to bring a certificate home. As she has got older and they are not handed out willy-nilly I know she has really earned it.

Not having to make an appointment.
If I need to speak to a teacher they are always there and have time....Up at the secondary school you have to make an appointment or speak on the phone but I know that sometimes doesn't get my point across. With Ellie I know we are going to have to make appointments.

School trips...
I can't even think of a school trip my teen has been on in the 4 years she has had at secondary school but in Primary they have 1 or 2 a year....Trips to the farm, beach, museums and what not....Ellie will be gutted when she finds out there is no more fun days out. She really did love them. The excitement and of course the packed lunch she always took. I feel sad this fun is over for her....

The kids...
There is some really lovely kids in Ellie's class and I know when she goes up to secondary school they will all be split up and they will drift apart....They have said they will still walk to and from school together but we'll see.

Random Fun things....
Decorating Easter eggs, making Mother's day cards, making a calendar each year, Easter bonnets, the book people coming in to school to sell their books, Santa visiting, sports  day, Christmas Fairs, making random models for homework tasks....

After school clubs....
Over the years Ellie has done cooking, crafts, football, sewing and of course choir after school and she has loved all of them. They have after school clubs at the secondary school but I think after a day at school Ellie will just want to come home. I do hope she joins the choir though, she really does like singing.

The teachers....
I know quite a few of the teachers in the primary school....Some of them taught Becky my teen and it will be sad to say goodbye to them especially Ellie's teacher who has supported us and Ellie over the last couple of years. She has gone above and beyond to help us out when we thought Ellie may have Autism, the bullying issues and getting my girl though her SATs....

When I was unpacking the shopping & putting the flowers into vases I thought on the last day of term I will get the shopping delivered early and I will give Ellie's teacher and the head teacher a bunch each from my fella and I just to say thank you and I nearly started crying just thinking about it. Heaven help me on the last day of school....

Have you got a child going to secondary school this year? Are you feeling sad about the end of primary school?


  1. awww it is end of an era, Primary school has some really fun elements to it X #pocolo

  2. I can so relate to all of this. This was me last year! There is so much to love about primary school, it is such a friendly, safe and nurturing environment. Although strangely, once we were in routine with secondary school, I quickly forgot about primary school. We're lucky that my daughter is at a much better school than her biggest brother was at.
