Wednesday, 23 January 2019

A bit late to the party with the #10yearchallenge

If you haven't heard of the 10 year challenge you must have been living under a rock. It seems to have been everywhere. It's a simple challenge, post a 2009 photo of yourself next to a recent one to show how much you've changed!

Well this is me! 2009 and now! Well almost now. It was taken late in 2019. I haven't taken any photos of me this year! It's close enough though.

To me 2009 doesn't seem that long ago but wow! The hair! It was highlights gone wrong! There was far too much blonde which actually turned ginger. There was an emergency call to my great aunt who said bad luck chuck. If you want to mess with your hair you have to deal with the consequences. Harsh but she was so right! I have learned my lesson. I still actually have that t-shirt. lol

Becky was about 7 years old and Ellie was about a year and a half old.

I got carried away looking at photos from 2009 and there seems to be way more of me then compared to me now. I think it's because I didn't blog and the photos were just for me, my family and close friends.

Considering Ellie was only just over a year old I had quite a few nights out. It was my 30th birthday and a few family events to go to. Can you see the heels! I couldn't wear them now, I am all about the flats!

I used to love those green tops in the pictures above. I think I still actually have them but they only get worn now about the house as they are faded and have holes in. I hated that coat I had on in the middle photo! I don't know what possessed me to buy it. It wasn't comfy, it didn't have a hood and the material just didn't feel nice.

2009 was a big year for us and probably the hardest we have had! It was the year that we discovered the girls had problems with their hearts. It was only because of Ellie jamming her fingers in a door that it all came to light. You can read the full story here!

By the end of the year the girls have been through open heart surgery and were as fit as fiddles. We have the best Christmas. I went way over the top with presents and spoilt the kids rotten!

I love looking at old photos. I find it crazy that my girls used to be so little. They seem to have grown up so quickly!


  1. Love the photos,sorry you had some hard times xx

  2. Ah you don't look like you've aged a day! I'm exactly the same with heels - not sure I was still wearing them in 2009 either mind. Lol!

  3. You don't look 10 years older! I can see the resemblance in your girls, especially Becky, she's your double. 2009 was a memorable year for you, I'm glad it all turned out well. For me, 2009 my Little Man hadn't been born yet and I was older than you are now!!

  4. Gorgeous photos - They really don't look like they were taken ten years ago! But I know what you mean about high heels - I can't wear them at all now either!

  5. HOW beautiful - you haven't changed much at all

  6. I like your hair darker it looks lovely, oh bless the girls x

  7. Looking good ! I haven't done one as my eyebrows were AWFUL 10 years ago lol .
