Sunday, 6 January 2019

They might have a new hobby.

Even though My Sunday Photo has stopped I am going to continue to post a photo every Sunday. This past week has all been about doing jigsaws! I think my girls might have a new hobby.



  1. That looks challenging, but I can imagine it keeps them quiet! I'm always in awe of people who do jigsaws.
    I'm continuing with the photo on a Sunday too! I'm looking for places to share them, but otherwise I'll just stick it on my blog and see if anyone bothers to look!

  2. Oh yes, Jigsaws are so much fun!

  3. My middle one LOVES jigsaws - I just haven't got the patience! #MySundaySnapshot

  4. I love a good jigsaw - I just can't leave them unfinished though so spend hours sitting there completing them. Thanks for linking up x

  5. It is a good hobby to have, I do love a good jigsaw X #Sundaysnap

  6. We love puzzles! Great time to chat over a puzzle too. #MMBC

  7. I've always loved puzzles - they can be quite addicting! #MMBC

  8. We have a couple we haven't started yet. It can lead to some very late nights when you get determined to finish a section!

  9. Looks GREAT fun - would love this myself
