Monday, 14 January 2019

Our weekly meal plan. 14th - 20th Jan! #MealPlanningMonday

Last weeks meal plan did not go well. I had planned on not doing a food shop but ended up getting a delivery on Tuesday. We were running out of silly things which we needed and it wasn't too bad it came to just over £40.

I got carried away on Monday being a domestic goddess and was a little too organised in putting the leftover bolognese in separate portions and I put them in the freezer so we didn't have that in wrapson Tuesday. I don't actually remember what we did have. I am sure it was chicken nuggets? On Wednesday I realised I forgot to buy the beef for the casserole and we had sausage casserole, the chicken & egg-fried rice on Saturday became chicken stir fry with noodles.

This week on the menu we have:

Monday - Chicken casserole with dumplings and mash.
Tuesday - Hot dogs in buns with fries and corn on the cob
Wednesday - Scampi, chips and peas.
Friday - Pizza.
Saturday - Sausage sandwiches.
Sunday - Pie, mash and veg.


  1. Yep. That sort of thing happens to me all the time, especially forgetting to buy meat for dinner! But everyone got fed, so that's a win!
    I'm liking the sound of your menu this week, I haven't made dumplings in years I really fancy making a stew with dumplings...

  2. I am glad I am not the only one who had moments of domestic godessery which mess things up. Sounds like you recovered well though. Love the sound of those fishcakes

  3. Oooh I haven't made chicken casserole for ages, I really fancy that now :)

  4. A delightful menu - this week will go down a treat

  5. It is the silly things you run out of, isn't it? Fresh veg and milk are my favourite to run out of. I know I'm in trouble if the children start telling me that it's a good job they like peas. #MMBC

  6. I find it hard to get back into a food shop routine at the start of the year too. Hopefully we will all be back into our routines this week #mmbc

  7. It's ok to change your plans sometimes, I do it all the time. But it's hard to keep 7 people happy. I really fancy a chicken casserole now! Or a nice beef stew with dumplings. We are having pie next Sunday too and we are probably having hot dogs tonight. See, I come to you for inspiration :) xx

  8. Oh wow - you're making my fishcakes! I really hope you enjoy them xx Thanks for linking up and have a great week!

  9. Oh no! I hope this week goes better for you the great domestic goddess. I like your ideas for this week and can't wait to read how things turned out.

  10. Blown away by how organised you are! Reading this in the evening & still don't know what we're having for dinner! #MMBC

  11. Sausage sandwich one of my favourite meals. glad to hear its not just me who forgets bits xx

  12. I'm always forgetting ingredients I need or not defrosting them! Sounds like a great meal plan for the week though!
