Saturday 5 January 2019

Week 1 of #Project365 - A photo every day for a year!

When I was sorting through the photos for this weeks Photo 365 post I started to panic thinking I'd lost some. I had totally forgotten that this week is a short week with the the new year starting. Doh! 

I hope you have all had a good start to the year. We haven't really don't much and it's felt like we've been in some sort of Limbo. I am quite looking forward to the kids going back to school on Monday so we can get back into a routine.

Here's a photo every day for the first week of 2019!

1/365 - 1st January
The kids both got a couple of jigsaws for Christmas. The 1000 piece one has kept Becky busy for a few days and it's still not finished!

2/365 - 2nd January
The kids got a Subway each for lunch! Becky only got a small one and regretted her decision as soon as she got home. Ellie still had her 2nd half to eat and Becky had to make do with mini sausage rolls.

3/365 - 3rd January
Ellie had been playing with the light box thingy. It is great advice from her.

4/365 - 4th January
With the kids still being on holiday from school I wanted to give them something to do so they made their own pizzas again. We do love the ready to use pizza bases from Tesco.


  1. You've inspired me to join in this project mmbc

  2. That pizza looks amazing!! Glad the girls have enjoyed their jigsaws, we enjoy them too. Happy New Year to you all #365

  3. Oh my I thought you had brought that pizza it looks delicious. Monkey went back to school on Thursday and it was much needed. I hope its not too painful on Monday for them. Happy New Year x

  4. The pizza they made looks amazing! I don't think I could cope with a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle. Happy new year to you all.

  5. I loooove your puzzle table, and so need one in my life. It's fab that girls enjoyed the puzzles. The homemade pizza looks very tasty. Lovely slogan from Ellie. Happy new year, and here's to another year of daily photos!

  6. I just did last weeks and this weeks with 7 days rather than one long and one short.
    The pizza looks great, well done girls.
    Glad they are being kept amused by the jigsaw.

  7. That pizza looks great, happy new year to you all

  8. I should try and join in this linky with my gratitude project as it fits in with sharing a photo each day. That pizza looks delicious. Happy new year to you all x

  9. Happy New Year, so lovely to catch up with everyone, the girls have really grown up. We were back at school on Thursday and it was not pleasant, hope it went OK for you today. Such a good message on the lightbox, one of mine always orders smaller than the rest and then regrets it! Looking forward to hearing about your adventures during 2019.

  10. That pizza looked fab. We always just buy normal ones, then add more/different toppings.

  11. Happy new Year lovely. That pizza looks amazing. We make our own quite often, simple and fun. I love the lightbox too. The girls are getting so big and grown up looking. Lovely to see you back for 365 x

  12. Oh I keep meaning to get the pizza bases so the girls can make their own pizzas!

    Happy New year and looking forward to seeing this years Project 365

  13. Happy new year!!! Hope you all had a really lovely break. Loving the home made pizza, I thought it was a takeaway with the amount of toppings!

  14. I love DIY pizza so you can choose the sauce and toppings yourself each time #project365
