Friday, 18 January 2019

This week my Word of the Week is: Better! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

If you'd asked on Tuesday what my Word of the Week was I would have said tired, ill, grumpy or something along those lines. Thankfully by Wednesday afternoon things were getting better!

The kids have really been struggling to get out of bed this week and they have been tired. Being tired has meant they have been grumpy. One morning Becky went off to school hating me all because I made her eat breakfast before she left. She was never going to be late, she left at 8.06am. Six minutes later than she usually leaves. I have sent them to bed early a couple of times and it has helped. I think the dark and cold mornings are making it hard. I can't wait for the summer.

The first half of the week was not good for me. I did not feel great. Shortly after Ellie was born I got the contraceptive implant put in my arm and it has worked well for me. I've had it changed a few times and I have been one of the lucky one's who's periods just about vanished. Well they did until Monday. I don't want to go into too much detail but all those years of not having periods has caught up with me. I had all they typical aches, annoyances and pains which are associated with a period x10! I am not one for going to the doctors unless I am on deaths door but I said that if my body hadn't sorted it's self out by Thursday I was going to ring up for an appointment. Thankfully I didn't need to. I really hope this is a one off.

It was on Wednesday afternoon that I started to feel better and more like myself. I think it was all down to the fact I knew I had to feel OK because I had booked Stu & I to go for an afternoon tea yesterday.

I did panic a bit when it started snowing! We had no money in the house for a taxi and neither Stu or I wanted to go to the bank but thankfully by the time it was time to leave the blizzard had stopped and the walk wasn't too bad!

I will have a blog post all about it next week. Neither Stu or I have had an afternoon tea before and it's been one of those things which has been on my bucket list forever! It was such a lovely treat and way better than I imagined it to be. I am trying to convince him that we need an afternoon tea at least once a month. hehehe

The kids are hoping for a day off school today as more ice and snow was forecast for last night. Eek! I love them to bits but with not doing much at the start of the week I have a ton of stuff to catch up with. Housework, decluttering and writing blog posts.


  1. Afternoon tea sounds like a fabulous thing to do! And I'm really glad you're feeling better, bad period + grumpy kids = nightmare!
    Look after yourself...

  2. I love a good afternoon Tea,always a good remedy,to cheer you up x

  3. Poor you, it sounds like you've had a pretty miserable start to the week. I'm glad you are feeling better now and enjoyed your afternoon tea, you will have to get entering lots of competitions for them so you can have one each month x #wotw

  4. I can relate a little, being menopausal means I can see nothing at all for 6 months, then it's like having 6 months worth in one go. Not nice at all. Have a lovely weekend and thanks for linking up to #WOTW

  5. We've been struggling to get the children up in the morning in time. The dark mornings do not help. Sorry you had a miserable start to the week, but the afternoon tea sounds the perfect way to end the week. We've not seen snow yet. I'm sure it will be a matter of time, but it is getting colder. Hope you have a good weekend. #wotw

  6. The dark mornings aren't fun, they make me grumpy too. Glad you are all feeling better now though and afternoon tea sounds lovely, so glad you enjoyed it. We had snow falling for all of five minutes here. Hope you did manage to get things done at the end of the week and avoided a snow day :-) #WotW

  7. Its been hard to get up here too, its so much better now the mornings are getting slighly lighter. Oh no poor you but I am glad you were better for the afternoon tea xx

  8. So glad you were feeling better and didn't miss your afternoon tea. Now that I'm finally on a school run we are totally feeling these winter mornings too. Sorry to read about your tummy issues too #WotW
