Sunday, 27 January 2019

Baking without the kids. #MySundaySnapshot

Usually I only bake with the kids but on Friday I did a bit while they were at school. There was no nagging, no stressing and I got to lick the bowl out without having to share. It was brilliant. 


  1. Ha ha, it sounds like you need to do that more often! I don't bake at all, with or without the kids! My husband is always saying he'd like to take it up and I think the younger two kids would like to help too, but we never have the time.

  2. How marvellous! I am very jealous! #MySundaySnapshot

  3. I wish I was one of those mums who enjoyed baking or crafting with the kids, but I can't cope with the mess they make. I much prefer to bake on my own.


  4. Ooo amazing how fast and peaceful to do something with out kids X #mysundaysnapshot

  5. Hehe! Baking without the kids certainly has its perks. Is that chocolate I spy? #mysundaysnapshot xx

  6. mmm chocolate too. I love baking alone, it's a lot quicker and less messier (Well sometimes!)

  7. That bowl looks like it may be very tasty! #MMBC

  8. Ahh I do love baking. My little boy enjoys this too. Licking the bowl is the best bit xx

  9. Oooo you can't beat baking cake especially when you can eat it from the bowl in the process. Thanks for linking up to #mysundaysnapshot.
