Friday, 19 April 2019

This week my Word of the Week is: Failure! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

This week can only be described as a failure. I had things planned which haven't worked out, the meal planning has been a disaster, I've tried to pay a certain bill online only for their website not to be working properly all week. British Gas in case you were wondering and I still hadn't got myself an Easter egg when I started writing this blog post.

It's been great that the kids have been off school for the past two weeks but it doesn't feel like we've had much of a holiday/break. Becky has been at revision classes at school most days which means there hasn't been as many lie in's as we'd like, revising has tired Becky out so she just wants to chill which is understandable. On Monday she did 6 hours of science and when she came home her head was done in. We've also not had any days out. It's not fair to take Ellie out without Becky. It doesn't really feel like we've had any school holidays.

On Wednesday I did plan a day out and when we woke the weather was lovely but then it started to go wrong. Ellie had a headache, we think a migraine. Becky had a sore belly and felt out of sorts and my back was aching. I felt so annoyed all day. It felt like a waste of a day. 

A lovely lady quoted Winnie the Pooh to me, ‘doing nothing, often leads to the very best of something’ and she was so right. It was only yesterday that I realised that we needed that day of doing nothing. We felt so much better for it. It wasn't a wasted day. We watched Ralph Breaks The Internet, a film we'd been meaning to watch for ages. It is a fab film and isn't just for the kids, we napped and had a rubbish lunch of chip butties and gravy from the chip shop. It was just what we needed.

Yesterday we did get to go out. Finally! We went for a walk around the woods which the kids grumbled about when I suggested it to them but they had a fab time. The promise of stopping off at McDonalds on the way home may have got them moving. hehehe

Now it's officially Easter weekend, I got myself an Easter egg from Lidl. It looks very fancy and only cost a few pound. I have said the kids could have one of their Easter eggs today. They have a few each so having one early isn't going to do any harm. They have been badgering me all week for them. They were put on top of my wardrobe in the bedroom and could see them but not get them. It's tortured them.

We don't have any plans at all for over the weekend. Stu is still working today and tomorrow. We might try to do something on Monday afternoon as Stu finishes work at lunchtime but the buses are on Sunday service which means half of them don't run. Ugh! Whatever we do I know we're going to enjoy it. Becky is having the weekend off revision and we're all fighting fit thanks to the lazy day we had.

Even though the week has been a bit of a fail it has still been a good one. It's made me realise sometimes we just need to stop, take a break and not feel guilty about it.


  1. Oh no, I do hate it when the only chance you get to do something you end up feeling too ill to do it. But you have to listen to your body and rest. I generally have to rest up every couple of days and do nothing, it's so frustrating so I do understand. It's not a failure of a week though, Becky needs to get her work done even if it's hard and meaning you and Ellie can't do anything. And you did manage to get a nice day kids are the same, they don't want to go but love it when they get there. We are having a relaxed weekend (I hope) and maybe next week we'll manage a fun day before they got back to school. Happy Easter x

  2. Weeks like this can be frustrating but you are right they usually have a lesson to teach us which in this case was to take a break. I'm glad you managed to have a nice day out in the end, Becky will soon be done with her exams and you can start having more time together again. Hope you have a nice weekend and enjoy your Easter egg x

  3. This holiday last year was pretty much the same for us. Felt guilty taking the younger two out and leaving eldest to do revision, but also felt guilty if I did nothing. It will be over soon and plenty of time to make up for it Glad you are all feeling better. Those Lidl eggs look very tempting. I've managed to resist, so far. Hope you have a good weekend.

  4. I can imagine it has been a little frustrating that the Easter holiday hasn't quite been what you would usually hope it would be. Glad that the day of not going out turned out to be just what you needed. It is funny how that happens sometimes. Hope you all have a lovely weekend and glad you managed to get yourself an Easter egg in time for the weekend too x #WotW

  5. Year 11 is so hard, revision takes up so much time and brain space, its like you life is totally put on hold. I am glad you all had some good moments and as much as I love to be busy I also treasure those days when you all get to chill as a family x

  6. I've told my boys that we are doing NOTHING tomorrow! After a busy week, we all need it. Sometimes, we all need to simply stop x

  7. I remember last Easter holidays which were also filled with lots and lots of revision at school. It's tough for them isn't it, and in around 6 weeks it will all be over. I loved Ralph Breaks the Internet, such a good film for both adults and kids x
