Sunday, 7 April 2019

We've had all the weather! #MySundaySnapshot

This past week has been a strange one weather wise. We've had it all. Rain, sun, wind, an almighty storm with thunder and lightening and of course the snow. It didn't last long but long enough for us to get excited about it.


  1. Funnily enough, I have snow on mine too haha. Got to love the British weather! x

  2. It has been a strange week weather wise hasn't it. I remember going to the school on Tuesday, it was sunny and warm when we got in the car, when we got out 5 mins later it was hailing. We have also had snow showers but it didn't settle at all, rain, wind and sunshine. Very mixed! x

  3. :-O You got snow!! Woohoo. We didn't get any in London that I saw. #MySundayPhoto x

  4. It sounds like you have had all the seasons this week ! It's been a bit chilly here bit we've avoided the snow x

  5. Wow, I haven't had snow but still to some extend random weather for this time of year X #mysundaysnapshot

  6. Wow, snow! We haven't had snow this week, but we've had everything else! It was hot and sunny on Monday, then it went cold and poured with rain from Tuesday onwards.

  7. Oh yes the weather has been crazy recently xx

  8. Snap we have had all types of weather too in Birmingham.

  9. Seems to me that the weather is all ajumble lately. Wishing you a warm, sunny spring!

  10. Heheh snow at this time of the year wow - Thanks for sharing and for linking up with #mysundaysnapshot.
