Saturday, 27 April 2019

Week 17 of #Project365 - A photo every day for a year!

My photos are rubbish this week. I haven't taken many at all and most days I only took the photo for Project 365. I always seem to get like this when the kids go back to school. I find it easier to take photos when they are around.

Now for a photo every day!

110/365 - 20th April
Our Easter eggs. The kids still actually have some left.

111/365 - 21st April
On Sunday we had such a lazy day. Of course eating lots of chocolate and watching films. Mary Poppins Returns was good but not as good as the original. The kids did love it though.

112/365 - 22nd April
It was such a beautiful day on Monday. The kids went to the park, out with their friends and I just pottered about the house.

113/365 - 23rd April
The Cornish Fudge Easter egg I got from Lidl was just about gone by Tuesday. I wished I'd bought a few. It was so good.

114/365 - 24th April
Salad for tea. 

115/365 - 25th April
I realised that I had 20 odd episodes of the old Coronation Street recorded on my Sky planner. I spent the after noon watching quite a few episodes. Bet is probably my favourite character ever on Corrie.

116/365 - 26th April
Another week where my youngest didn't bother doing her maths homework and rushed through it on the morning. Grr! She said she didn't have it until she pulled it out of her bag. She served a ban off her computer last night.

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  1. It can be so hard to get pictures once they get back to school!
    Wow thats an impressive collection of Easter Eggs!

  2. That's an impressive stash of chocolate eggs! We've also got some left, as I bought too many and we also got some as gifts. I also found it a bit difficult this week to find inspiration for taking photos.

  3. You made me laugh saying your photos are rubbish this week! I know mine often are too. We've got lots of Easter eggs leftover too. It usually takes my daughter months to get through them (and she only had three!). I hope your daughter got her homework right after doing it in such a rush! My boys are both guilty of doing homework late (or sometimes not at all!).

  4. Wow that's an impressive Easter Egg haul! #365

  5. Ah kids and homework I fear I have all this to come #365

  6. that's an awful lot of eggs. We get coronation street in Dubai but I foolishly turned the box off when we were away so now trawling through youtube to see what i can find to catch up with

  7. good grief how many eggs were there if this is what is left?
    Homework is always an issue, but a computer ban sounds very reasonable.
    I miss being able to eat salad.

  8. Loads of eggs! We only had one each, but we did buy a few more when they were reduced afterwards. We have similar homework problems - does my head in.

  9. Thats a lot of eggs! I didn't get one at all but the boys still have a lot of theirs. I have been particularly bad with photos this week and struggle too when the kids are not around. x

  10. It can be so hard to get pictures. So many wonderful eggs and you can't beat some chocolate xx

  11. We still have Easter eggs left in mid May! I struggle to take photos everyday but then some days it can be hard to pick just one... #project365
