Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Top tips for an egg-cellent Easter egg hunt!

It will be Easter soon and when my girls were younger there was nothing more than they loved than an Easter egg hunt. Most years the weather let us down but they always ended up having fun! 

Organising and Easter egg hunt isn't just hiding a bunch of chocolate eggs in your garden there are a few other things you may want to consider if you want it to run smoothly!

If by a miracle the weather is warm bear this in mind when you are hiding your eggs if they are left to long before the hunt they may melt.

Before starting your exciting Easter hunt make sure that anyone with a food allergy is accommodated for.

Write down a list of where you have hidden the Easter eggs. You don't want to lose any! When I haven't written a list we always find an egg or two days later. lol

Remember you do not need to use large eggs. You can buy a multi-pack of small foil wrapped eggs or plastic re-usable eggs which you can fill with mini eggs or something similar.

If your hunt involves several children, avoid arguments by colour coding the eggs and letting each child look for a particular colour. That goes for kids which are not great at sharing too!

If you are planning to do the hunt outside do have an indoor back up plan if the weather takes an unexpected turn.

To keep things fair make sure everyone ends up with the same amount of eggs.

Set boundaries and tell the children where they are. Explain there will be no eggs hidden outside of your back garden for example. That will help stop anyone from wandering off. 

If you have older children you could set treasure hunt clues to help them discover the hiding places. You could use riddles or rhymes for them to figure out or map out the hiding places on a treasure map.

Easter egg hunts should be fun. Don't make hiding spots too tricky so the hunt goes on forever. On the other hand, don't make it too easy so it's over too quickly.

Make a rule before you start about how many eggs they are allowed to eat once the hunt is over. Unless you want a bunch of sugar filled kids throwing up all the chocolate they've eaten

If you have dogs lock them in a separate part of the house or garden while the egg hunt is happening. Chocolate can make them very ill.

Will you be having an Easter egg hunt this year?


  1. Great tips for an Easter egg hunt. We love doing it. xx

  2. Brilliant tips Kim, we are doing a little egg hunt at home. I usually end up forgetting where I've hidden the eggs though, nice surprise weeks later when I find them x

  3. Yes a rule before hand is key so everyone knows exactly what is going to happen and there can be no arguments because the boundary is set X

  4. Great tips! We are having a little Easter egg hunt. I think I get more excited than the kids haha! Hope you have a lovely Easter weekend. xx

  5. Great tips, especially about the dog! My son is a bit old for hunts now but we used to really enjoy them

  6. Great tips, mine have outgrown hunts (although my 21yo probably still would lol) x
