Wednesday, 17 July 2019

A visit to my youngest girls new school.

Many, many weeks ago I applied for a new school for Ellie. She obviously couldn't go to her old one as it was over 150 miles away so a new one needed to be found. I applied through the council and waited and waited. There was no great rush as we hadn't planned on making her start until September.

We heard she was accepted to our chosen school a couple of weeks ago and went to visit it last Wednesday. We had read all the way through the website, looked at everything online and we felt it would be a good school for Ellie.

From the second we arrived at the school we felt at ease. It's more of a rural type school than an inner city one. There is just over 500 pupils. In comparison to her old school which had about 1500! 

We were welcomed by the deputy head and we felt welcome. She was lovely. She had been a teacher at the school for over 20 years and stays because she loves it. 

The deputy head was quick to explain that some schools in Scunthorpe and surrounding areas were given money to do them up and rebuild them but this school wasn't, she was on the verge of apologising but there is nothing wrong with old buildings. They seem more homely, new builds seem sterile and business like. Give me an old school building any day!

She also explained that the way they have tutor groups is different from other schools. They use the vertical tutor group system where the tutor group have children of all ages, rather than by groups of the same age. In each tutor group there is say 4 years 7's, 4 year 8's, 4 year 9's and so on! I think this is a great idea. It stops the year groups being stuck with each other and they get to know people right through the school. There is also 2 teachers in each tutor group so the kids get plenty of attention.

Ellie is overjoyed that there is no more shirts and ties. The uniform is more relaxed with a polo shirt and cardigan or jumper but still looks smart. I priced it up and 2 polo shirts, 2 cardigans and a PE top came to just under £70. Eek! Some things never change going from school to school.

We met the SENDCO woman who seems lovely who will make sure that Ellie is looked after with her hearing loss. We also explained about how at one point we thought Ellie may have Autism but it was diagnosed as Social Anxiety but since settling into year 7 she has been better than she's ever been at school. They are going to look into this and see how she gets on. 

We were shown the whole school and all of the classrooms where children were being taught. They looked so much calmer and more respectful than children at Ellie's old school. We were also shown the inclusion room where children are sent when they have been misbehaving or need a time out. She said it's not a negative room. If Ellie ever felt overwhelmed with the new school she could go there to take a break.

We explained about the bullying which Ellie had in her previous schools and how she was feeling a little worried about the same happening. The teacher said she can't promise bullying wouldn't happen because it does happen everywhere but they take a hard stance on punishing the bullies which was good to hear.

Ellie's favourite subject is music and she was very impressed with the music rooms. They were full of instruments and there is little soundproof rooms to make and record music. There was also a textiles room. Ellie has never studied textiles but she loves making clothes for her dolls so I think it will soon become one of her favourite subjects.

When Ellie starts the new school in September she will be buddied up with a few people until she gets her bearings. I feel happy with the new school and so does my girl. She can't wait until September!


  1. The school sounds promising. Glad you found them welcoming. I'd never trust a school that says it has no bullying. Ours is a rural school and slightly bigger. It changed to the vertical tutoring system last year. I had the choice to put my younger two in the same tutor group and I did. Talked to their tutor last night and it seems to have worked out for them.

  2. I hope she settles in well and enjoys her new school in September xx

  3. That sounds fab. I really hope she has the best time xx

  4. It sounds like a brilliant school. I really hope that Ellie will settle in well come September and be happy there :-)
