Saturday, 20 July 2019

Our summer bucket list 2019!

We love to make a bucket list for the summer holidays. We have for the last few years and last year we didn't do too well with it but this year is going to be different!

I roped the girls into thinking up some ideas and they were fab! 

This summer we are (hopefully) going to:

Go for a family bike ride. We have 3 bikes now and we're planning on borrowing one of my dad's so we can all go out together.

Do some gardening. Planting and hopefully growing something.

Make our own ice cream.

Camp out in the garden.

Pick our own strawberries.

Build a sand castle.

Visit a new park.

Have a water balloon fight.

Do some baking.

Have a barbecue or 10!

Go to a car boot sale.

Play Just Dance on the Wii.

Go to the cinema.

All 4 of us play Minecraft on one world.

Visit a farm shop.

Learn to use chopsticks.

Decorate the kids rooms.

Complete a 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle.

Star gaze.

Be a vegetarian for a week.

Have an afternoon tea.

Go on a train.

Dye our hair a wacky colour.

Make a bird feeder.

I will say yes to everything for a day! I am not going to tell my girls I am doing this but when they ask something I will say yes even if it's something I will usually say no to.

What do you have planned for the summer?


  1. Love it! We have just started our bucket list too, and so far it includes going to a PYO and cinema! It's great that you have some things which are creative, that you all do together but actually cost v little. That's my aim too! Fingers crossed for some good weather now xx
    Enjoy your weekend !

  2. I love the saying yes for a day idea I try to implement this at least once a month (but like you I don't tell anyone!)

  3. I love your list. I was looking at ice cream makers yesterday but I figure you could do just as well by putting it in the freezer. I'm not so sure about saying yes for the day, but I wish my husband would! The kids will be having a tent in the garden but I don't expect them to camp out all night. And I'm already a dab hand with the chop sticks, been using them for years. :)

  4. It's really interesting to read the bucket lists of other people. I'm impressed with the DIY project plans too. One of ours is to put all the primary school certificates from our feature wall in the kitchen into a photo album and put the ones from secondary school up. I also want to paint the porch (well, I want to paint everywhere but that's more likely to get done!)
    I've been off this week so we've been out on the bikes, been to see Spiderman (we saw Toy Story 4 last week)and had a girly shopping day with my daughter at the Metrocentre while my husband and son took the train to Sheffield for some model railway things. Then we had a free day for lie-ins, screen time etc and went swimming the next day. We also visited my mum in the afternoon and cut her grass (does that count as gardening? I have mastered the lawn mower) then had a takeaway McD tea at her house. Today we've been for fish and chips at North Shields, walked to lord Collingwood Monument and visited Grandma. We had debated going to the Sunderland Air Show but it rained so we didn't; it's a fair walk from Seaburn metro station.
    We are also trying to have the year of the chuck out but slow going there. Our local (walk-able) Tesco now haas a branch of Barnardos inside so at least we can get rid of some stuff easily.
    Happy summer and good luck with your list!
