Monday, 1 July 2019

Our weekly meal plan! 1st - 7th July. #MealPlanningMonday

I am amazed, last weeks meal plan went to plan despite moving house. We found the new fish and chip shop when we had moved house and I don't know if it was because we were starving but they were so good. I would go as far to say better than our old chip shop! 

The food shop was delivered on Friday and it gave me great joy to put it all away. There is so much cupboard space here.

Cooking the roast dinner in the new kitchen with the gas cooker was a dream. I think I am going to like it! Only problem I had was one of my roasting tins was far too big to fit in the oven. New roasting tins are going on the list of things that I need to buy.

This week on the menu we have:

Monday - Bubble and Squeak with poached eggs. (Using the Sunday dinner leftovers)
Tuesday - Tuna salad with new potatoes.
 Thursday - Fish fingers, chips and baked beans.
Friday - Pizza.
Saturday - A BBQ!
Sunday - Toad in the hole, mash and veg.

What are you eating this week?


  1. Great sounding meal plan. Hope the move went to plan? x

  2. Shame about the roasting tins but you'll be making all sorts with your lovely gas cooker I'm sure! x

  3. So glad the move went well and lots of lovely sounds a great week of meals xx
