Saturday, 20 July 2019

Week 29 of #Project365 - A photo every day for a year!

We've had a good week. Becky had her interview at college yesterday and it went so well. She got a glowing reference from her Health & Social Care teacher from school. We met one of the teachers who we really warmed to and had a good look around the college. We just have to wait for Becky's results now to find out what course she'll be doing. It will be Health & Social Care but her results will determine which one.

Now for a photo every day!

Auction and sausage casserole
driving licence application form
sitting in the dark and my youngest eating her tea
sitting in a car and unicorn turkey burgers

192/365 - 13th July
On Saturday we went to a local auction hoping to get some 2nd hand furniture for the bedrooms. We did very well. We got a working PC tower for £5, an iron £2, a freeview box £2, 3 big chest of drawers £5 each, an office chair and a table to fit my youngest girls computer on for £3. 

193/365 - 14th July
A change to the meal plan. I cooked sausage casserole instead of toad in the hole.

194/365 - 15th July
Another big milestone for Becky. She got the form to apply for a provisional driving licence. Eek! She wants to learn to drive when she turns 17 in September. 

195/365 - 16th July
I sat here in the dark waiting for someone to come into the room to switch the light on. Very lazy of me but I was comfy.

196/365 - 17th July
Ellie just stuffing her face with a noodle stir fry.

197/365 - 18th July
I went out with my dad when he was off picking something up from the other side of town. I got to see somewhere different from the bus route. He took me on a tour of all the little villages around here.

198/365 - 19th July
Unicorn turkey shapes! Ellie's new favourite food!

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  1. That's great news about the college - and it won't be long until she is starting her driving lessons! You get some real bargains at the second hand sale. It must have been nice to see more of the area with your dad.

  2. Such great news about college. 3 of our nephews are all driving. The time goes so quickly with them being able to learn to drive. I really fancy going to an auction but never managed to get to one round here yet.

  3. brilliant on the college front, a whole new exciting chapter to her life.
    Nice to see different bits and venture to where takes your fancy when you have your own vehicle. Hope your dad is enjoying the company.

  4. Well done on your auction buys. The college sounds very promising - hope she gets the results she wants. Eek to the driving - it comes around so fast.

  5. Oh wow so much happening for Becky, glad the interview went well for her. Sounds like you grabbed a load of bargains at the auction #365

  6. Glad the interview went well! And wow....provisional licence!

    Those are pretty impressive prices you got at the auction!

  7. Great to read that the interview went well and she's warmed to the teacher. I've not been to an auction in ages and we feel the one we did was running down. It's a great idea to have a provisional license whether or not you start learning at 17 or not #365

  8. Congrats on your daughter for getting a great review! The sausage casserole is very tempting, I'm feeling hungry now. It's hard to get up from a very comfy position. The tour through the villages with your dad sounds nice. unicorns!!!

  9. Well done with the bargains sounds like a good haul. Can't believe Becky is old enough to be applying for her driving licence. good luck to her also with her exam results for collage

  10. That's great news about college. What fab bargains at the second hand sale. It must have been nice to see more of the area with your dad. I love the unicorns xx

  11. Glad the interview went well it all sounds very exciting. Sounds like you picked up some real bargains. Oh my a driving licence!! I have never seen Unicorn shaped food before xx

  12. Anya will go bonkers when she sees unicorn turkey shapes! I can't believe Becky is organising her driving licence: very grown up! #project365
