Friday, 5 July 2019

This week my Word of the Week is: New! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

Everything seems new at the moment! There has been so many changes in our life over the past week or so and we are loving them all! 

You all know we moved house to Scunthorpe. A new house, new town and even a new county. The move went so well. I kept waiting for something to go wrong but it didn't. It was a tough couple of days moving boxes and unpacking but now we are 99% done we're just waiting for some new bedroom furniture so we can put the rest of the clothes away.

When we moved we got rid of a lot of our big furniture and have bought new. We bought 2nd hand and I am so impressed with everything. We now have a gorgeous black leather sofa and armchair, dining room table and chairs and new beds for us all. 

We are loving the new house and the area that we live. There is so much space and the garden is fantastic. It already feels like home. I feel happy letting the kids out to play. They've already found the new park and think it's brilliant. They did go while all the other kids were at school so it might be different later on in the day.

It is so strange seeing my dad all the time. Really strange after only seeing him for a couple of hours a couple of times a year. The kids are getting to know their Grandad which makes me so happy. We left the girls with him and his partner while Stu and I ran a few errands the other day and they had the best time and were spoilt rotten. They think he is as daft as a brush but they're comfortable with him considering they don't really know him apart from speaking on the phone.

I got an email yesterday from the council to say Ellie has a place in the school we wanted and we just have to phone up and arrange a meeting to pick a start date. I'm thinking if I can get uniform sorted she can go before the summer holidays just to get her bearings. Becky has an appointment to look around her new college. It's a couple of weeks away yet as all they are just finishing for the summer and all the teachers are taking holidays. lol

There was also the big change here on my blog. The name change. All I did was add a domain. I dreaded doing it and in fact had originally planned to change it over Christmas and New year but chickened out. I managed to do it myself though following the Kim Six Blogger Support guide on how to get rid of Blogspot! It was so easy to do. I did have a moment of worry, when my blog wouldn't load at the old address and neither would my new domain. I guess it must have been the powers that be changing things over because after 5 minutes it worked fine! Phew! I changed my Twitter name too which was easier than I thought it would be and then had the mammoth task of changing everything else like headers, the about me page and so on.

I did mess up on one thing though. The feed burner thing where you get sent my blog posts by email. I had to scrap the old one and make a new one. So if you were signed up I would appreciate it if you would sign up again. Of course, only if you want to. The sign up widget should be to your right. Thank you!


  1. Fabulous that the move went well for both house and blog. Must be lovely to be nearer your Dad too. I can well imagine that you are enjoying having a garden. Hope you have a lovely weekend. #wotw

  2. Congratulations Kim on the move and the new school. I've just written a long comment on your house on your other post so I won't repeat myself. I'm so happy for you x
    Thanks for linking up to #wotw

  3. Fab to see you're all settled in. Bet it's lush being able to leave the girls with your dad. x

  4. How lovely and so pleased you ha e settled down in your new home. I am glad the relationship between your daughters and dad is going well X #wotw

  5. It must be really nice to live closer to your dad and for the girls to spend more time with grandad too! Babysitter on tap there kid! Hehe.
    So glad that you are all settled and that the blog move went smoothly. Have a great weekend. x

  6. Well done Kim I remover the changeover when I did it 4 years ago and it was such a faff, I broke my blog several times. I love the new name and am so glad you are settling into your new home and Ellie has got the school you want. Joe started before half term last year and it made a huge difference in September, he was so excited to start school. Xx

  7. Lots of exciting changes for you all, you've made brilliant progress with everything I would still be unpacking. It must be lovely being close to your Dad, it's nice for the girls to get to know him better too. Hope you've had a lovely weekend x

  8. Good to hear that your move went well and you are settling in quickly. It will probably be easier for Ellie to start a new school at the beginning of the year, there are more likely to be other new children starting as well. Lovely for you to be so close to your Dad too.


  9. So glad that the move went so well for you and that you are settling in well. How lovely it must be to see your dad so often now and for the girls to be able to get to know their grandad better too. Well done on the domain name change - it's so daunting changing things on blogs isn't it? So glad that Ellie got into the school you wanted too :-) #WotW
