Thursday, 11 July 2019

Making a house a home. (Downstairs).

We have been in this new house two weeks today and it feels like much longer. We are so settled already. We still have the decorating to do and we're waiting for the deposit from our old house to be returned which should be today so we can start buying paint to freshen downstairs up a bit and wallpaper for upstairs.

For the time being downstairs is finished! Everything is unpacked and has a place. Hooray! We still need a desk for Ellie's computer and some shelves put up but up but we're getting there.

The Living Room.

My fireplace

I hated the fireplace when we viewed the house but now I am loving it. It's great for having all my nick-nacks on. The canvas prints will be going on the wall in time along with the gorgeous Shy Bairns Get Nowt Art Print that I bought from Rosarts.

My living room. The Sky box and wires hidden with photos and the front window.

I hid the wires from the Sky box with some pictures in frames.  It's a short term fix, the Sky box is going to go under the TV on a shelf (when my fella gets around to it). It is so nice to look out of the front window and not look right into the house opposite. I love having the space to put things on the windowsill. I did think about getting blinds but there really is no need.

My new black leather sofas

My dad has been amazing with helping us move house. As well as moving us in a van he hired he also bought us a new sofa set. It was 2nd hand but there is nothing wrong with it and it looks practically brand new! There was a 3 seater sofa with it but if we took that too there would have been no room to move! It was huge! We are happy with the two seater which really is a 3 and the massive armchair.

The Bathroom.

My pink bath
A collage of my bathroom. Just a standard one. Toilet, sink and bath.

Our new bathroom is narrower than our old one but twice as long with shelving all around it. The bath is in a little alcove and it is so cosy to have a soak. There seems so much more space and behind the door there is some shelves which is amazing. We had no storage at all in our old bathroom!

The Kitchen!

I love, love, love the kitchen! There is so much space. Our old kitchen was the 3rd of the size of the new one. I had planned on getting blue accessories for the new kitchen but after putting our things into it I think we've decided to stick with grey! The cooker is a fixture of the house and is grey and we have everything else too so it will save a bit of money. I will be keeping my blue stand mixer out though. So what if it doesn't match the rest of the kitchen!

I never thought we would fill it but we have. lol All the things I had hidden under the stairs or on top of the cupboards in the old house now is in the kitchen within easy reach! The window is huge and it is so bright all day. We have a stable style back door and I love it. I can shut half of it and it doesn't feel as gusty blowing everything around the kitchen.

We won't talk around the dining room yet in detail. That is Stu's room and he is still sorting things out. That's not my department so in my eyes downstairs is just about done. hehehe

We did get a new dining room table and 4 white leather chairs from a local auction for a bargain price. They fit right in the corner of the dining room and so far have been used to eat from. Ellie was using it as a computer desk when I took the photos. We really do need to get her a proper desk! 

I can't wait to get started with the decorating. We're not changing much. Just a fresh lick of paint downstairs.


  1. It sounds like you are all settling in well, the new house seems really spacious and I hope your happy there xx

  2. Wow! You've done really well in such a short space of time. I love your dining table set! And I would really like a stable door too. Very handy to let a bit of a breeze in. So glad you are all settled and happy. :) x

  3. It's such a great on-going project to decorate your new home. Lovely to have all the storage. Love the stable door, such a feature, full of character.
