Thursday, 19 July 2018

Our summer bucket list - 2018

Each summer I have written a bucket list of things we want to do over the summer holidays....The girls break up from school tomorrow and we have got plenty of ideas for things to do.....

We don't always get all of our list completed but it is fun to try....I print it out and hang it up on the cork board and it is so satisfying to cross things off....

This summer we are (hopefully) going to:

Visit Seaton Delaval Hall - I thought all the National Trust properties were hard to get to by public transport up here but it turns out there is a bust stop right outside!

Go charity shop shopping - We do this every year and my girls love it. I give them a few pounds and they buy whatever they want. It can easily fill a few hours!

Roast Marshmallows!

Have a movie day - With the curtains closed, popcorn and lots of treats!

Read books - I have said to my girls that I want them to read a couple of books (at least) over the summer and I am intending to take them to the library.

Make Banana & Custard Ice Lollies - I saw these and loved the idea of them. So simple to make...

Visit a new beach - We have lots up here in Northumberland but always go to the same couple....It's time to try something new!

Sort through the the memory boxes - I keep everything to do with my girls but the boxes where I keep everything need sorting....I know the girls will enjoy looking through all the memories and I hope they don't hate me for throwing away some of the rubbish paintings and drawings they did when they were little...

Make Unicorn Toast - We love unicorns here and my girls love eating....It will be something fun to try!

Have a water fight - I am ready! I got some of those Bunch O Balloons when they were on offer in Tesco....I snapped them up. Two packs for £12. Not bad considering they are usually about £10 each. We have had them in the past and they are fantastic...

Play The Sims 4 - We are all really into the Sims 4. I am sure we were last year too but with the expansion packs it never gets old.....We have to all have at least an afternoon of playing.

Make more Gloop - A few weeks ago we make gloop in a tiny bowl but Ellie wants more.....She loved it. It was like slime but more fun! It is just cornflour and water mixed together!

Visit the Discovery Museum in Newcastle - It is a free museum so all we need is the bus fare....We went a few years ago and I cringe at the old blog post (tiny photos. Eek!)

Do some baking - We love to bake and it's been a while since we have. What we like to do is bake something savoury and lots of cakes so we can have it all for tea! 

Take the kids on a bike ride - Becky can ride her bike and Ellie is so close to getting the hang of it....I have said if she can they will cycle and I will walk to her favourite place to eat. The Brewers Fayre near the big lake near us.

Find a park we haven’t been to and visit it - I have one in mind. Carlisle Park in Morpeth! 

Have a night away in a hotel somewhere/anywhere - We have never had a family holiday and I want to before the girls get much older....

Make Bubble Prints - Ellie is obsessed with bubbles. She bought her own hand wash just to add to water and make bubbles so adding a bit of paint should create a lot of fun!

Go to the cinema....

Say yes to everything for a day - I am not going to tell my girls I am doing this but when they ask something I will say yes even if it's something I will usually say no to....

Have the best summer ever!!!!

What have you got planned for the summer?


  1. Sounds like you have lots planned. I love Carlise Park, we spend the whole day there when we go. Mine love the paddling pool and play area and going on the rowing boats, the chinese and donuts vans are a must too. Beach wise we love cullercoats, Whitley Bay and Tynemouth - plus they are all near a metro station/ bus stop so easy to get too. There is a nice beach near Seaton Deleval hall too, seaton sluice we often visit the little park and harbour there and get chips xx

  2. Ooh you're brave, saying yes to everything! :oD
    I LOVE the unicorn toast' I'm pinching it to add to our bucket list for Ella. She's going to be so excited!
    We got some of the bunch o balloons when Asda had them on sale. Soooo much easier than the traditional way of filling them :o) xxx

  3. Haha to the yes one, that is brave ;) sounds a fantastic plan ahead and hope you have a wonderful time with your girls X #pocolo

  4. What a lovely bucket list to work through. Saying yes to everything sounds fun! My boys would so milk it! Hehe.
    The Sims 4 is brilliant, I need to get some more expansion packs.

    Have an amazing summer. :) xx

  5. Love a great bucket list. It sounds like you are all going to be kept very busy. #mmbc

  6. sounds like a lot of fun activities planned for the summer #pocolo
