Monday, 2 July 2018

A week with not much cooking. #mealplanningmonday

Last weeks meal plan went pretty well but having the oven on to cook the chickens on Monday really heated the house up which was torture. The kids really enjoyed making the muffin pizzas and there was very little for me to do so we're going to have more meals like that over the warmer months....hehehe

Meal planning when the weather is warm is so hard....The kids aren't keen on eating and when they do eat they want to wolf it down to have ice lollies or play outside....I saw this and it did make me chuckle.

This week on the menu we have:

Monday - Corndogs and Nacho Cheese Fries....
Tuesday - Quiche and new potatoes....
Wednesday - Prawn cocktail salad....
Thursday - Sandwiches, cakes and crisps....
Friday - Pizza....
Saturday - Sushi. The kids are going to make it. Ellie is quite an expert....
Sunday - Sausages, mash and veg....

If you want to see what other people are eating The Organised Life Project and Katykicker have a linky!


  1. Cooking in the heat is rubbish isn't it - we have some quick and easy meals this week as a result! xx

  2. I feel you, no motivation to cook but something light and easy will be my goal this week X #mmbc

  3. Am I the only person that really doesn't fancy sushi? lol x

  4. Yes I'm finding it too hot to cook too. Luckily son1 made a frittata at school today, so I just made some salads to go with it

  5. Ohh yes, just the kind of meals you need for a hot week, I like your menu this week, can I come for dinner :) We have my eldest daughter missing this week (she's on holiday) so I'm going to work through the freezer and cupboard and eat all those meals she refusing to eat (she's so fussy) I've spent so much less on the shopping this week and hopefully I'll have lots more space by the end of the week too :)

  6. I did my online food shop last night which consisted of quiche, salad, dips, anything that didn't require any cooking in this heat. Love the idea of the kids making sushi x
