Saturday, 7 July 2018

A bouncy egg, Shnooks & a baby - Week 27. #Project365

Another week is done and another one where I am glad it's the weekend. We're ready for the summer holidays and have two more weeks of school to get through. Hooray! 

Now for a photo every day....

180/365 - 30th June
We made a bouncy egg by soaking it in vinegar....

181365 - 1st July
We had a fun afternoon at the fair....

182/365 - 2nd July
My new glass from Poundland. It's not good for smoothies. It gets stuck in the handles....

183/365 - 3rd July
After coming in from school I made her sit down and cool down for 10 minutes before going back out to play....

184/365 - 4th July
Ellie loves her new Shnook...

185/365 - 5th July
Emoji poo lolly....They are not tasty at all. The kids got one each and they had a bite and they went into the bin.

186/365 - 6th July.
This is Charlie. He's an electronic baby that my teen has brought home for the weekend as part of her Health & Social care class....She's doing OK. It is very needy and I of course will be blogging all about it. lol


  1. Baby Charlie looks a bit like Chucky's younger sibling, it would totally creep me out. :) The glass must be a pain to wash inside those handles. And eww @ poo lollies, just who thought it was a good idea? The bouncy egg sounds great fun.

  2. I'll have to read your post about the electronic baby. I don't envy you at all! The poo lollies don't look very tempting.

  3. I think I would dread bringing home an electronic baby if it cried all night long. Shame about the new glass, it looks nice :)

  4. Looking forward to the post on the electronic baby, great way to put them off having a baby.
    The lollies sound disgusting.
    I have a few tumblers that are ridged and awful for smoothies.

  5. Hope your teen does alright with the electronic baby! #365

  6. Urgh, poo lolly. That's so strange.

  7. I don't think I could bring myself to try the poo lolly, i'm sure what it represents contributes to the foul taste also

  8. Those handles must be a pain to clean and oh no to the emoji lolly, it tastes like it looks then basically :( #365

  9. I'm not sure what I'd expect from a poo lolly! The electronic doll is a great way to teach about the relentlessness of parenthood, I hope my kids have a chance to look after one when they are teens #project365

  10. The electronic baby sounds like hard work - the thought of reliving baby days would fill me with horror.
