Friday, 6 July 2018

We're ready for the summer holidays. #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

We have had a lovely week but this week has made us realise that we're ready for the summer holidays. We're all tired....We are ready for a break and we want to be able to enjoy the sunshine. I can hear the beach and the parks calling us. We only have to get though another couple of weeks of school!

Over the weekend we did some fab science experiments which I will be blogging about when I find the time and we had a day out at the fair on Sunday.

We of course watched the England match. The kids stayed up to join in the fun and saw them win on penalties. I was hiding behind my hands and holding my breath. lol We never win on penalties so there was much excitement! I am starting to believe that we could get to the final. Eek! Stu is gutted that he won't see the match tomorrow because he is at work but I will keep him informed via text. hehehe

The paddling pool has been out all week and the kids have spent most evenings playing outside. Becky not going in the paddling pool (she doesn't like the cold water) and Ellie splashing about like some sort of fish. lol 

Ellie had another autism assessment yesterday....It was a play one where she went off in a room and was observed while she was playing....The woman didn't tell us much about what she thought so it's a matter of waiting for the report. We were going to rush Ellie back to school but by the time we got out and had a quick bite to eat it was coming on for half past one. If we rushed back we could have got her back to school for about quarter past two but we thought what was the point of school for 45 minutes. 

While we were out we got the last of the presents for Ellie's teachers. This year I have 3 to buy for. Her teacher, the teaching assistant and the head teacher. They have all been amazing with Ellie over the past year. They are all ready to be handed out on the last day of term.

We still have a couple of weeks of school left but I do think they will fly over.. Ellie has transition week next week where she goes up to the secondary school for 4 days and Becky has the last of her mock exams and her sports day.


  1. Love the photo of Becky and Ellie having fun at the fair. Hope Ellie enjoys her transition days next week and good luck to Becky with the last of her mocks and her sports day. I am sure the next couple of weeks will fly past - not long until the summer holidays now! #WotW

  2. I am in total agreement, absolutely ready for the holidays now and actually looking forward to them! Good luck to Becky and hope Ellie has fun :) Sim xx #PoCoLo

  3. Oh yes, I hear you, we're ready too! Sounds like a fun week and hopefully you'll get the report soon. I am on summer countdown here, as well as keeping everything crossed for the football! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

  4. The last few weeks of school are always exhausting, no wonder you are all ready for the break. I haven't even thought about teacher gifts yet, I need to buy 5 ! Have a great weekend x #WotW

  5. With the weather being what it has been I'm surprised that school is not over yet. I'm completely out of kilter with the school time schedule but that's set to change. #MMBC

  6. Lovely photo. Good luck with the autism assessment, hope it works out for you. Its so hard waiting to find out

  7. I know how you feel. I think because at the end of the term it goes really busy and everyone is shattered can't wait till the end is in sight. Looks like you had a lovely family day out in the sunshine X #wotw

  8. You know I am not the biggest football fan Kim but even I have got into it, its amazing how well they have done so far and it much feel amazing knowing the whole country is behind them, good luck to Ellie and Becky for the week ahead xx
