Monday 30 July 2018

This is what we're eating this week! #mealplanningmonday

Last weeks meal planning went well....We ate everything. Hooray!

The Slow Cooked Pulled Pork with Salad was delicious. It will be something we make again. Just as I thought the kids wouldn't eat the green beans but liked the rest of the salad. Lesson learned. 

We don't have much planned for this coming week....I have said to Ellie we will do some baking so I think we will make a corned beef pie (I will be cheating and using ready made pastry) as well as the usual cakes....

My meal planning is a bit different during the summer holidays......I learned many years ago planning the meals is OK but planning on what day we are going to eat them just doesn't work....

This week on the menu we have:

Corned beef, onion & potato pie - We will probably just have a big chunk each along with the cakes we make....

Hot dogs in buns with corn on the cob....

Barbecue Chicken Chargrills & egg fried rice....

Sweetcorn Fritters & Nachos - I love the nacho kit from Tesco....

Sausage sandwiches....

Chicken kievs, new potatoes and carrot fries....

Pizza - We might make them ourselves.

I am joining in with the linky hosted by The Organised Life Project and Katykicker. They love to meal plan too!


  1. I am having hot dogs and sweetcorn later tonight, I can't wait, yum yum X #mmbc

  2. Whoo sounds tasty Kim. You have just reminded me, I used to make corn beef and potato pie for my Husband and it was his favourite. I must surprise him and make him one soon :) #MMBC

  3. I love a nice nacho kit - so convenient for making a delicious meal!

    Thanks for linking up!
