Friday 22 January 2021

This week my Word of the Week is: Samey! #WotW

 This week my Word of the Week is:


Another week of nothing much apart from home learning. Everything is feeling a bit samey at the moment. Get up, school work, have lunch, more school work, watch a film, have tea, play Fortnite, watch TV then bed. It's boring. In the first lockdown the sun was shining and home learning was new but now the weather is rubbish it is not as much fun.

We're in a good routine with the home learning and Ellie had come to the realisation that she has to do her school work and there's no getting out of it despite her trying to last week. She has done some great work and has started getting feedback from her teachers who have nothing but praise for her. She's been getting a ton of Trackit points for her efforts which I am told are like house points from when I was at school. Ellie works well when she has something to aim for, a reward.

I forgot about how samey the lessons are at school. I totally forgot that you don't do just one lesson about a topic and move on. For 2 weeks Ellie has done work about a poem. Nettles by Vernon Scannell which I now almost know word for word. I cheered yesterday when they moved on to a new poem. She's still learning about volcanos in Geography and the periodic table in one of her science lessons.

Ellie has always struggled with maths and nothing has changed there. It took 4 of us to help Ellie understand her work this past week, similar shapes. Stu and I didn't have a clue and Becky wasn't sure and I ended up on video chat with Becky's girlfriend explaining how to work it out. She is a bit of a genius when it comes to maths. We finally got the hang of these maths problems. Phew!

Maths work

All week the weather has been terrible. It has done nothing but rain. On Wednesday evening I thought there was someone walking around in the kitchen which was a tad worrying as I knew I was the only one downstairs, of course there wasn't, it was the rain lashing at the window although it could have been hailstones.

The only day which didn't feel samey was Wednesday. What an exciting day. We had a power cut. The electricity was off for about an hour in the whole of our town. That meant a break from the home learning for both of my girls which wasn't great for Becky. She missed the end of one of her college lessons and the start of another. Of course the power cut didn't reach as far as Scunthorpe so the tutor thought she had just left the lesson. A quick email to explain sorted things out.

There was also Donald Trump leaving the white house and the inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. What a wonderful day for America. I watched the news on CNN all day and I found it so interesting and pretty emotional. I was gutted that they didn't have to drag Trump out of the White House kicking and screaming like I imagined. hehehe

Becky got to the point yesterday when she was sick of doing the same things, she had finished her college work for the week and was bored so she got out a big paint by numbers set and cracked on with that.

It hasn't been a bad week, just a samey one. The weather is supposed to be better today so we're hoping to get out for a walk. Ellie also has to go to school for her year 9 booster injections from the school nurse. I am quite excited about getting out and doing something different. 

I hope you have all had a good week?

Word of the week linky


  1. I feel you, never thought I would get excited over the small stuff haha X

    1. The small stuff means so much at the moment x

  2. omg I get what you mean! Although I am pretty busy with crafting which keeps me busy, and the boys are in a great routine, but the weather is making it so much worse, and I agree, how amazing was it to see positive history being made in the US x

    1. This lockdown, with the home schooling is a lot less fun when the sun isn't shining as much. x

  3. I watched a lot of the inauguration and thought it was really good considering they had to do it socially distanced. The days are very much samey aren't they. I've enjoyed some good tv this week though. My kids won't ask me for help with their school work which annoys me as I am pretty clever (even if I say so myself) and even though I might be rusty I can work out most things up to GCSE stage at least. I can't believe you got excited about a power cut though, lol. I hope you have a busy and exciting weekend :) xx

    1. They did really well with the social distancing during the inauguration.
      My youngest doesn't ask for my help with her school work but I make a point of helping her which she isn't always happy about but at the end of it she's happy with what she's achieved.
      Even a power cut is a bit of excitement here, with nothing else going on. lol x

  4. It's been a pretty samey week for us too. We lost the internet for half an hour and that added some excitement. I'm glad Becky's girlfriend was able to help with the maths. Our weather hasn't been so bad. One night of heavy rain, but we've had blue skies, frost and ice. Hope Ellie's injection went well. Amazing how something like this turns into a good excuse for an outing. How times change. #wotw

    1. It is funny how little things like losing the internet causes so much excitement.
      Her injections were fine, she's had no trouble with them at all x

  5. I admit, I looked at that maths and thought Nope! Thank goodness for Becky's girlfriend! Karen Early Rising Mum

    1. hahaha! We have worse maths work to come next week. lol x

  6. Oh yes, it is all very samey at the moment, isn't it? I can relate to you learning that poem that Ellie has been learning about - Sophie's English work has been geared all around the same story for the last three weeks and we're not done with it yet! Glad that Becky's girlfriend was able to help out with Ellie's maths. The inauguration was good, wasn't it? I was so glad that it all went well. #WotW

    1. It really is all samey!
      I was so glad of the help with the maths work. We were all struggling with it. x

  7. I totally get you feel bored. Glad though that Ellie understands the need to do her schoolwork now. I struggled with math in secondary school too. Have a nice week this week.

  8. I know that samey feeling. I'm really starting to get cabin fever! I hope you are getting the chance to change up your days in some way #WotW
