Friday, 8 January 2021

This week my Word of the Week is: Trying! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:


There has been a lot of trying this week and it is a trying time for us all with this new lockdown. It didn't come as much of a shock though.

So all weekend parents up and down the country were worrying about sending their kids back to school and after one day back for some it was announced all the schools would shut until at least February. Just one more way that the government have tried out patience. Grr! 

We are trying our best with the home learning. Me getting a new laptop a couple of weeks ago came at the right time as Stu wiped my old one and gave Ellie it to use for her home schooling. It means she can sit in the living room where I can keep an eye on her and as she has no games on the laptop there is no skiving. 

During the first lockdown in March the home schooling was pretty relaxed as nobody was really prepared for it but now, wow! Ellie's school are on the ball! They have emailed work, have zoom lessons organised and even had us pick up exercise books and extra work to keep the kids learning. It all seems a lot more organised now. Thankfully so far all of the Ellie's work is fun and she is really enjoying it. 

Becky is back to home learning too with her college work and has had a few video lessons but it's not new to her as she has been mostly doing home learning since September. She did have her favourite teacher on Wednesday. I love listening in on his lessons as he is so funny and easily distracted from the topic he should be talking about. hehehe

I am so in awe of all the teachers, they are trying their best at this difficult time and are doing everything they can to support the kids. 

On Wednesday evening I was going to have an early night, after I had watched a film. I am trying to watch all the Marvel one's in chronological order. I am doing well so far. Anyway, I went onto Twitter for something and saw bits about what was happening in America so turned my film off and CNN on. Wow! It was pretty shocking the protestors breaking into the building on Capitol Hill and them taking no notice of the curfew at all. It sounds like Donald Trump is trying to break America not make it great again. 

It trying to snow for the last few weeks but none has laid. I saw people online going sledging and making snowballs but it was just too wet here. I woke up yesterday morning and looked out of the window and thought it had snowed but it was just a very thick layer of frost. The kids are dying for it to snow so they can play in the garden but we've had no luck yet.

I hope you haven't had a trying week?


  1. The uncertainty around schools going back was trying. At least with secondary schools, they were already staggering them back. I can't imagine they'll be going in for a while. Having your old laptop must make it a lot easier for Ellie and you. I think schools have learnt a lot from last time and all seem to be upping their game. I'm so impressed. Yes, the news coming out of the US is mad. What next? We've only had odd snowfalls and nothing settling. Maybe it will be our turn soon. Hope you have a good weekend. #wotw

    1. It really was a week of trying!
      The schools really have upped their games and it's a good thing, stressful but good.

  2. School during a pandemic is definitely trying, regardless of how it's happening. Sounds like you're making the best of it though. My daughter is a 1st grade teacher here in the States and it was definitely a trying week for her to get back in the groove in person. She teaches in a small school and they haven't shut down at all. She also is pregnant so she's doing all she can to avoid covid. It makes me nervous. And of course with our crazy coup attempt this week we all are feeling on edge over here. Maybe next week will settle into a better groove for all of us! :) Visiting from Word of the Week.

    1. Good luck to your daughter, I hope she is able to stay safe. What a worrying time for her and you. x

  3. I'm glad we didn't have to go to school on the Monday. That would have freaked Ethan out! We have tried watching all the Marvels in order but got a bit brunet out. We will have to pick them up again. Are you watching the films after the credits have ended? I hope your girls get snow soon #WotW

    1. I finished Black Panther this afternoon and there's about 5 left to watch.
      Yes, for the first time I am watching the bits after the credits. I can't believe Thanos appeared so early on in the series. I never knew that before. x

  4. Trying is a good word for this week with both meanings of the word. It made me so cross that that announcement about schools came after lots of children went back for one day. I really cannot understand why that decision couldn’t have been made a day earlier. Glad that Becky and Ellie are both coping well with home learning. The news from America on Wednesday was quite shocking. I had to stop myself from constantly doom-scrolling Twitter in the end and go to bed! We’ve not had any snow here either which Sophie has been quite disappointed about. #WotW

    1. Thank you! I was so angry to on behalf of parents who sent their kids back to school on Monday.
      I hope we both get some snow soon. x

  5. Yes, it's been a trying week for us too. I hope it all settles down and is better next week. We had some snow. The kids were not too bothered by it. I think it just made it colder in the hospital. And I hated having to leave the house. I'm not going out again! x

    1. Sending love and hugs. I hope everything at the hospital went well. x

  6. My son starts back to hybrid schooling tomorrow and I am hoping we can make it a full month this time. The constant back and forth is driving me nutty. #MMBC
