Saturday 16 January 2021

Week 2 of #Project365. 9th - 15th January. A photo every day for a year!

The novelty of home learning has worn off. It was fun to start with but now not so much when the majority of Ellie's time is sat looking at a screen. Nothing can be done about it as at the moment it's the only way teachers can teach. Becky on the other hand loves it she prefers sitting at home instead of travelling to college especially when the weather has been as cold as it is. As of writing this we still haven't had any snow laying. We've had hailstones and sleet and yesterday was so foggy but no snow. Hmmf.

Now for a photo every day!

Tortilla wraps and Windows updating
My girls home learning on laptops
School work about the strikes
Art work and Fortnite

9/365 - 9th January
My youngest made a wrap the TikTok way. We'd seen the videos on TikTok where you cut the wrap from the top to the middle and then fold it. It is genius. If you haven't seen it before Google it. It has totally changed the way we make wraps now. Our breakfast one's are pretty good. Bacon, mushrooms, baked beans and either egg or sausage!

10/365 - 10th January
Another Windows update. Grr!

11/365 - 11th January
Both the girls had home learning to and spent plenty of time on their laptops on Monday. 

12/365 - 12th January
On Tuesday Ellie had a history lesson and was learning about the strikes in 1926.

13/365 - 13th January
Ellie was cracking on with her design and technology project and doing some of the art work. She can draw way better than I can.

14/365 - 14th January
Fortnite. I am so into playing it now. I will play it by myself and sometimes team up with the girls and play. I never thought a computer would bring us together so much as a family.

15/365 - 15th January
Yesterday was such a foggy day.

I hope you have all had a good week?

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  1. It sounds like the girls are both doing well with their work.

    I tell you what, Fortnite has been our saviour during lockdown haha! Craig and Jayden have disowned me because I keep winning.

    I've just Googled those wraps and that's genius. I will definitely be giving these a go! xx

    1. Fortnite is fantastic. A great stress relief and something for us to play as a family.
      We are loving the wraps. We're going to make some sweet one's tomorrow. x

  2. We had no snow either, and have had fog coming in over the fields at points too. Glad the home schooling's working ok, even if it's getting a bit tedious. N seems to be doing ok with his, and it's working with my work too which is good.

    1. I am glad the home schooling is going OK with you too.x

  3. I am not on TikTok but I've seen videos on Insta, for both sweet and savoury. Eddie wants to try one with chocolate buttons, banana, marshmallows and some other sweet stuff. No snow here either, but a couple of rather misty mornings. Fab art project! Everything is online these days, so it's great to have a project where you don't need to look at the screen.

    1. We're planning to make some sweet one's tomorrow. Yum! Yum!
      My girl has got to the point now where she's spending her spare time mostly off electronics. She's been spending too much time staring at a screen x

  4. Must be hard home schooling with more than one child, looks like the girls were cracking on with it all though. #365

    1. I am glad my eldest mostly gets on with her work herself. x

  5. Big windows updates drive me crazy. The computer starts to go to sleep which can hang up the update. GRRRR #MMBC

  6. I'm struggling to tell the girls apart in photos these days. Assuming it's Ellie with the green hair? Haven't done a windows update for years, they used to frighten me lol.

  7. I've seen so many tortillas recently but not had a chance to try it out yet. Such disappointing snow for us too, fingers crossed for this weekend! #project365

  8. I am not happy at the amount of time being spent looking at screens but not a lot can be done about it!

    Have seen those wraps done that way....need to give it a try!

  9. It is hard with all the screen time isn't it, but there's not a lot we can do about that right now. We've not had any snow either which is disappointing. Love Ellie's drawings. #project365

  10. I have seen that wrap thing I'm sure Darren will be making some soon. There was am official report saying how gaming is bringing families together in lock-down. I get too hooked to level playing games so I tend to avoid them otherwise I will lose hours of my life lol

  11. I am totally with you on the novelty of home learning having worn off. We are totally over it! I have seen those wraps although not tried it yet it does look clever. We have never tried forrnite will have to give it a go. The boys are just starting to get into tech so I can see us becoming more knowledgeable... I am not even sure what fortnite is! Its been foggy here too but no snow yet. The boys are desperate for it.

  12. I have two that get on really well with the home learning, but my youngest really struggles. I hate those windows updates, they seem never ending

  13. Thw tiktok wraps...even i loved it ..i am amazed that it can be incorporated into all cuisines.
    Yes the novelty if home learning has worn off indeed

  14. Yum I would love to try one of your breakfast wraps! I think I need to start doing my wraps more like this. My youngest is getting a bit fed up now with homeschooling too. Although its been a little easier now they have added a couple of live lessons each week. I think they like hearing their friends voices.
