Sunday, 12 December 2021

Not a sunset. #MySundaySnapshot

I have had a week of not doing much but on Friday I got out and about when the weather wasn't too bad. It was of course still cold but the sun was shining, there were blue skies and it was dry and it really cheered me up after being in a grump all week. 

I took this photo late in the afternoon at about 2pm. The sun wasn't setting, it just looks like it.

Winter sun

My Sunday Snapshot


  1. Sometimes fresh air is all you need. I love how the low sun causes such an eerie glow in the sky. xx

  2. I think we're going to have some sunlight today... it's been a rainy/ snowy week here and I am hoping for some sun to warm and brighten things up.

  3. It does indeed look like it! Wow! #SundaySnapshot

  4. What a lovely shot. I does look like a sunset!

  5. Glad you had a good day to get out. Lovely photos. #MMBC

  6. It is lovely to see the sun make an appearance x #mysundaysnapshot

  7. Wow, it really does look like the sun is setting! Although it feels like it hardly gets light at all at the moment.

  8. Such a stunning sunset - Thanks so much for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.
