Friday, 24 December 2021

This week my Word of the Week is: Christmas!! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:


It has to be! This week has all been about Christmas although it has gone in a bit of a blur where every day has felt like a Saturday and I am betting tomorrow day doesn't feel like a Saturday at all.

Becky came home from work with such a smile on her face on Saturday morning. She had been given a £50 Love to Shop gift voucher as a Christmas bonus. She really wasn't expecting anything as she's only worked there a few months but everyone who works over Christmas gets one. She has a night shift tonight, when she finishes work she gets to open her Christmas presents and then when she wakes up Saturday she will be having Christmas dinner for her breakfast. lol

We have watched all of our favourite Christmas films over the past week and have been listening to lots of Christmas music. We had the big Christmas deep clean, I iced the Christmas cakes, we baked mince pies and have had lots of family time. 

It hasn't all been plain sailing. My dad was in town on Tuesday and had a bit of a funny turn, feeling dizzy. My dad isn't one to rush to the doctors or hospital but he did on Tuesday afternoon as he thought he was having another stroke. He got checked over, had his blood pressure taken which was sky high, had a ton of tests and a brain scan and it turns out he had a bad ear infection and was sent home with penicillin. They put his high blood pressure down to him panicking as after his brain scan and before he left the hospital it had gone back to normal. He is fine now and got a telling off for not letting anyone know what was going on until he was back home. 

The food deliveries went quite well. There was of course substitutions but the supermarkets did a good job and sent better than what I ordered for most things. We have everything we need to make Christmas amazing, well apart from the Christmas crackers, I forgot them but I don't think they will be missed.

My dad came for tea yesterday, I did a party tea as it was his birthday. It was nice to spend time with him after the scare he gave us. He really is fine, fit and well. He gave me a telling of for buying him a couple of small presents. He always tells me not to waste my money on him but he's my dad, I want to give him presents.

Today I shall be preparing Christmas dinner, I like to peel and chop all the veg the day before and cook the meat too. We're having a takeaway tonight and I am going to crack my bottle of Baileys open.

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas.

Word of the week linky


  1. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. Sounds like you've already had quite a week; so glad your dad is fine now.

  2. Oh, your Dad definitely must've scared you! I'm so sorry. I'm glad he's fine though.

    I would love to have a Christmas dinner for breakfast, LOL. I am so happy for Becky about her voucher, that's so kind of her employer.

  3. So happy dad is fine and the family seems to be having a lovely Christmas. Wishing you and yours all the best for 2022 too!

  4. What a nice surprise for Becky. It's good that she can celebrate Christmas with you. You sound like you are having a lovely Christmas. I love all the festive films. Hope your Dad is feeling better and I can imagine that was quite a scare for all involved. #wotw

  5. I'm glad your Dad is okay, I hope he is feeling better now and you all had a lovely day yesterday. Our food delivery went well but we had a couple of squashed items, not too bad, but the delivery driver was lovely and refunded us the cost. One was the Bailey's chocolate log which only had minor damage but cost £4.50! xx

  6. I'm glad your Dad is okay. They do give us a fright sometimes! Hope you had a lovely Christmas
