Wednesday, 29 December 2021

Our Christmas 2021.

I wrote a blog post about how Christmas is different with teenagers and it really is. Our Christmas was a good one but it was something new. Becky works in a care home and worked a night shift on Christmas eve so she missed out on most of Christmas Eve and Christmas day but we still managed to make it special and made plenty of memories. 

Turkey crown

On Christmas Eve I prepped most of the veg, cooked the meat and whatever else I could. I would rather get as much as I could done on xmas eve so I didn't have to spend all day in the kitchen. I've done that before and didn't like it. I usually hate spending most of the day in the kitchen but on Christmas eve I love it. I had music playing, I was picking on bits out of the fridge and I felt so productive. At about 2pm I thought I had finished preparing what I could and thought I was doing too well, I was right. I had forgotten about the pigs in blankets and stuffing. lol Stu was pottering about and I sent Ellie to my dad's to drop a present off that I forgot about. I finally got finished at about 4pm and then went for a soak in the bath just as Becky was getting out of bed. We ordered our takeaway and it was enjoyed despite them messing my part of the order up. Hmmf. They were quick to send a replacement though. Presents were put out and we were in bed quite early considering it was Christmas eve.

For the last few years the kids have had a little lie in on Christmas morning but not this year. We got up just before 8am so we could be ready to open presents when Becky got in from work. She wasn't actually that tired, I think the excitement was keeping her going. The girls were so happy with all of their presents. They knew a lot of what they were getting for Christmas but there was a few surprises thrown in too. 

Youngest opening presents
Opening presents
Eldest opening presents

I was spoilt with presents too and got more than I could ever have imagined. Perfume, pj's, the normal bath stuff along with a fit watch, wireless headphones, wine and loads of Harry Potter stuff. Usually it's the girls who get electronics that need setting up but this was my year. hehehe The fit watch thingy is a Samsung one which goes with my phone and I had it set up within 10 minutes. I am fascinated with it. I am obsessed with how many steps that I have done. 

Thanks to all my prepping on Christmas eve I didn't have to do much in the kitchen on Christmas day but it didn't stop me opening the bucks fizz and having a couple of glasses while I was doing the roast parsnips and some of the veg.

Bucks fizz

I missed Becky during the day, while she was sleeping. It was strange her not being part of a big chunk of Christmas day but I suppose it's a sign of things to come when she eventually leaves home. It got to about half past three and I was counting down the minutes until I could wake her up at half past four. 

We ate at about five and we were all so ready for it. I have been looking forward to Christmas dinner all year. It was perfect. I remembered everything and we all left the table with full bellies.

Christmas dinner

For the rest of Christmas day we just relaxed and watched TV. The soaps were brilliant especially Corrie. It was nice to have something that wasn't full of drama and death. 

Boxing day was a lazy day. We slept until after 10am and spent the day not doing much at all. We had a tidy up and then Becky's girlfriend arrived to stay for a couple of days. They hadn't seen each other much over the last month with them both having a cold and they have both been working different shifts. We ate more, watched more tv and got around to playing some board games.

It was a lovely Christmas. I want to do it all again. I hope you all had a great Christmas too?


  1. Sounds like a lovely Christmas. Well done for prepping beforehand! That's a great tip. Im glad you got spoilt too!]

    Corinne x

  2. Sounds wonderful and you had so much food! I wish I could chop veg as quick as you (lol) The girls look really happy with their presents. It was the same for us, some things they knew they were having with a few surprises thrown in. The Little Man hadn't got a clue what he was having, but I bought him a Fitbit Kid which he loved. I also bought him his own switch controller to stop the arguing. It seemed like a naff present to me, but they are £50!! I really enjoyed my Christmas dinner too. xx (thanks for my present x)

  3. I totally agree that Christmas now feels very different because we have teenagers instead of little ones. It was calmer, which was nice, but it was also sad because everything's changing. Ella got a bit upset that she's growing up and she hasn't felt the same kind of excitement that she usually does.
    KayCee has a job as well now so she's been busy working like Aiden. They both work in kitchens so they don't get much time off over Christmas.
    Oh well, I'm sure we'll get used to it!

  4. It looks like a really lovely day! My son and I are just loving your daughter's fluffy sweatshirt; that looks so comfy.

  5. It sounds like you all had an amazing day Kim!
