Saturday, 25 December 2021

Week 51 of #Project365. 18th - 24th December. A photo every day for a year!

 I hadn't planned to post this blog post today. I had planned to share our photos from this week and next in a big blog post on New years eve but it turns out I got everything that needed doing yesterday done and had time to write it up while I was watching the soaps. I do love them at this time of year. 

I have had a strange week. I've been stressing over the smallest of things, my dad had a bit of a health scare, he's fine, he just has an ear infection and wasn't having another stroke like he thought. That happened Tuesday and has really set me on edge. I was worrying about the shopping not being delivered, us catching Covid and stupid little things. I am fine now. We have everything we need for today and more.

I hope you all have a fantastic Christmas whatever you are doing.

Now for a photo every day!

Glee and marzipan chocolate
Christmas tree and picky food
Christmas cake
My dads birthday presents and the kids in matching pjs

352/365 - 18th December
I am still rewatching Glee. I might be finished by new year now that I've watched all of the Christmas films. lol

353/365 - 19th December
This is my new favourite chocolate. I have seen it plenty but never thought of buying it. I will be from now on.

354/365 - 20th December
Our Christmas tree. I forgot to take a photo until just before I went to bed and it was the prettiest thing I could think of photographing. 

355/365 - 21st December
Picky lunches. I do love this time of year we eat lots of random things on one plate.

356/365 - 22nd December
The Christmas cakes that I baked were finally finished. My dad is very impressed with his.

357/365 - 23rd December
It was my dad's birthday and he came for his tea and of course presents and cake.

358/365 - 24th December
Matching pj's. We all have the same one's.

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  1. I love a picky meal especially if it includes 'party' food - although the OH isn't a fan of beige food, so we don't really have them, unless you cound a ploughmans in the phrase.

    We done with the christmas cake, it looks good.

    Hope you had a good Christmas

  2. Happy Birthday to your dad, he must've been quite frightened, glad all is well. No wonder you had a wobble, I would have had one too. Love the Christmas cake and picky tea, but no thank you to the chocolate marzipan. Hope you had a lovely Christmas and have a Happy New Year.

  3. Happy Birthday to your dad and that must have been a fright, glad it wasn't anything too serious.

    Love the matching PJ's

  4. Sorry to hear about your dad, glad its nothing serious. I hope he had a great birthday. Your cake looks great and I love that marzipan chocolate. Cute PJs I hope you had a wonderful Christmas x

  5. Glad to hear that your Dad is ok after his scare and Happy Birthday to him. Hope you had a lovely Christmas

  6. What a scare with your Dad, glad that it was only an ear infection. Your Christmas cake looks beautiful. Ritter Sport Marzipan is lush, I agree. Cute matching PJs! And very random bits of food on your plate, lol.

  7. Ear infections can be nasty and ruin your balance so I'm not surprised you were concerned for your dad. #project365

  8. Oh no your poor dad, sorry you all had a scare and glad it wasn't more serious in the end. But still a big worry. Your Christmas cake looks fab, well done you making your own! One day I will have to try myself. My mum looks Marzipan too! I always have to give her a few Marzipan related presents at Christmas as she is hooked on the stuff!

  9. Sorry to hear your dad had a bit of a health scare but glad he was okay. Hope he had a nice birthday. I quite like the Ritter Sport chocolate as well although don’t have it very often. Love your Christmas tree and a picky lunch is always good. Lovely to have matching PJs - me and the children had matching ones for the first time this year thanks to a Christmas present from a friend. #project365
