Monday, 6 December 2021

Our weekly meal plan! 6th - 12th December. #MealPlanningMonday

Our weekly meal plan

Last weeks meal plan went perfectly and we ate everything on the days I had planned. It's been a while since that last happened so I am feeling very pleased with myself.

It might be just me but at this time of year it seems such an effort to meal plan. All I seem to think about is the food we will be eating over Christmas. I am saying to my family we're having no roast dinners until Christmas day, no party food until just before Christmas, the freezer is full of Christmas supplies and leaves little room for much else and I don't want to spend much on the food shop in the next couple of weeks so it just seems like a struggle. We will plod on, we will still eat well and we won't be hungry. I really should count my blessings.

As of writing this parents evening for Ellie is still happening this week. I am really shocked with how things are at the moment but it will be nice to see her teachers face to face considering we've never had a parents evening since Ellie has been at this school. I've heard her teachers and seen them on Zoom when we were doing home learning but I have never had much feedback about how she is doing at school in individual lessons. 

On the menu this week we have:

Monday - Lasagne and garlic bread.
WednesdayFish fingers, chips and baked beans. 
Friday - Pizza.
Saturday - A stir fry of some sort.
Sunday - Toad in the hole, mash & veg.

What are you eating this week?

I am linking up with Karen over at Cat's, Kids, Chaos who is now hosting the meal planning linky.


  1. I'm struggling with meal planning at the moment too. I don't have to think today - we have leftover vegetable soup :o)

    The chicken and tomato spiced curry sounds good - what a great selection of recipes there are on that site!


  2. I think meal planning in the run-up to Christmas is harder too. I'm also struggling with trying to find things that I can cook quickly to fit in around activities and that the children will actually eat which limits it all quite a lot! I like the sound of the tuna melt pizza baguettes though, that might be one to try. #MMBC

  3. We meal planned for the month this week and I'm already deviating from it quite a bit. It seems like everything on my menu for the week is missing at least one ingredient since I have been doing awful at getting my grocery shopping done. I'm trying to get myself to make meals from what we have in the house though.

  4. Love the sound of the tuna melt baguettes - definitely one to make when I'm home alone (as Pierre doesn't like cheese, Juliette doesn't like tuna, ... sigh !)

  5. I find it hard to plan at this time of year too. It's all feeling a bit much. We haven't had toad in the hole for ages, might have to make that next week. Thanks for linking up to #mealplanmonday
