Sunday 17 July 2022

I've almost grown a pumpkin. #MySundaySnapshot

Last year I tried to grow pumpkins, I got as far as getting plants and leaves but I think the bugs got to them and they died off. This year I tried again, left them in my greenhouse for longer and then planted them in the garden and they are doing well, so well. Their leaves have grown big and I have a lot of flowers on them and while I was watering the garden during the week I noticed a little pumpkin growing, actually it's not that little it's nearly the size of my fist. I also noticed a few more starting to grow which are the size of golf balls. Hooray! 

A growing pumpkin

My Sunday Snapshot linky


  1. Good on you, they are not something have ever tried growing. Mind you this year my Runner beans have been plagued by Bkackfly

  2. Good luck! I've never got far with pumpkins, so gave up with them this year! :D

  3. Well done that's an impressive pumpkin! I remember we went to a farm and were told we could pick anything that we wanted and Boo picked up a green pumpkin thinking it was a watermelon. As soon as I saw it I said it was a pumpkin and she shouldn't have picked it while it was still green.....but it did stay in good health for a couple more months and turn pumpkin orange in time for Halloween.

  4. OH yay! Good for you! I have zero green thumbs... in fact I just got home from vacation and my mom informed me that many of my petunias have mites and need treating... I'm not even sure what to do about that!

  5. good job - I love all squashes and they all have a similar look #MMBC

  6. Fantastic! Well done. I don't think I've ever successfully grown any vegetables. Having a greenhouse and being able to plant them out later definitely seems to help.

  7. Well done you! I love how deep green this pumpkin is - very halloween! Thanks for linking up and for sharing with #MySundaySnapshot.
