Friday, 29 July 2022

This week my Word of the Week is: Treats! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:


It has been the first week of the summer holidays here and it's flown over even though we haven't really done much. It has been good just to chill out and relax, especially for Ellie who was ready for a break from school. We have had a few treats over the past week which have been nice. 

On Monday we had the Sky man here installing a new Sky Q box. The bill was going to go up by £10 a month as we were out of contract but with the new Sky box we are paying £10 less than we have been paying. It has taken some getting used to but I love it. It is making me so lazy though with the voice search thing, there is no having to remember what channel everything is on. The only thing I don't like is that I can't set a reminder for my favourite TV shows. I used to like the reminder to pop up to tell me when something like Emmerdale was starting. Oh well, the positives are outweighing the negatives at the moment and now that I have the Sky Q box with Netflix, Disney+ and Spotify on it means Becky can have her Xbox in her bedroom as I am no longer using it which in turn means that Ellie gets her old xbox 360. Consoles in their bedrooms seems like such a treat for them. They have been warned not to play on them too late on an evening though but they are at an age now where they can be responsible, I hope!

Stu is loving the new job that he started about 6 weeks ago and even more so after the last week. He answers phones helping people with tech issues that they have with their phones or bills and often he can offer to upgrade them if they can get a better deal, a lot like us with the new Sky box. This week he had his training about selling broadband and actually sold his first package to someone. They got a good deal and ended up paying less for their package. As an incentive when you sell broadband you get to play the higher/lower card game to win prizes. Anything from a box of chocolate or bottle of wine to a £100 Amazon gift card or a Slush Puppie machine. Stu ended up coming home with a huge bottle of Jack Daniels which he won. He thought he would treat himself and I don't blame him, he deserves it.

From now on the girls and I are calling a Wednesday chippy Wednesday. hehehe They convinced me to get chip butties mid week and it felt like such a treat and I have said we can do it every week if we have nothing on during the school holidays.

Yesterday felt like a real treat having all of my family home. Stu had his day off work, Becky had no work and Ellie is obviously home. It seems ages since we had a day all home together which wasn't a Sunday and even then Becky has been either working a Sunday or coming off or going on a night shift so it doesn't count. It was the one day where we could all go out and do something. We didn't go far, we just went to see my dad but it was a treat for him too, to see us all together. The last time we were all at his was ages ago, probably Christmas.

Stu and Becky are back at work today. I am still not used to them both working more and different hours than they did a couple of months ago. It really makes me appreciate the days and time that we all get together. 

How has your week been? 

Word of the week linky


  1. What a lovely sounding week! I have never had a chip butty bit if chips are involved it sounds yum. So a midweek chip day would be up my street. Well done to Stu. I wish he had a code for all of his friends (wink wink) so we could pay less for phone bills and broadbands etc.
    Enjoy the rest of the summer holidays and we look forward to hearing how you are spending it, treats and all.

  2. It's so great Stu is loving his job! Yay for chippy Wednesdays! I'm hungry just thinking about it!!!

  3. Glad you’ve had a lovely start to the summer holidays. The Sky Q box sounds good – we have voice control on our TV and Sophie loves it. Glad that Stu’s new job is going so well and well done to him on winning the bottle of Jack Daniels. I like the idea of chippy Wednesday. Lovely to have a day with everyone at home together too. #WotW
