Saturday, 23 July 2022

Week 29 of #Project365. 16th - 22nd July. A photo every day for a year!

This week seemed to be all about just getting through it. Ellie was tired with it coming to the end of term and we of course had the heat to deal with. I am not good in hot weather, I have had no patience for anything this past week so taking photos has been the last thing on my mind.

The school summer school holidays started yesterday and Ellie finished year 10. Time really does fly, this time next year she will be preparing to start college or an apprenticeship, she still hasn't decided. We don't have much planned for the summer, all that is on the cards is a couple of cinema trips.

Now for a photo every day!

Youngest washing up and a computer game
40c temperatures
Grey sky and books
Food shopping in bags

197/365 - 16th July
I roped Ellie into helping with some housework, washing the pots. She knows how to do the job but tried to do it really badly to get out of it. Putting the cups the right way up instead of upside down to let them drain. We had words and then she got on with doing it properly.

198/365 - 17th July
Sunday was a day for doing nothing. I played Hearthstone and online game. 

199/365 - 18th July
My sunflowers are now the height of the fence, taller than me. Not bad considering I thought they were dwarf sunflowers.

200365 - 19th July
It got up to 40C here, the hottest temperature 40.3C was about 50 miles from us. Ellie stayed home from school, we stayed inside with the windows, curtains and doors shut to keep the heat out and the cold in. Every time we moved we sweated so we did as little as possible.

201/365 - 20th July
I was so happy to see grey sky! It was still quite warm until the evening but I was so glad it was cooling down. I couldn't have coped with another day like Tuesday!

202/365 - 21st July
The first of the girls birthday presents arrived. Most of what Ellie wants this year are books and she is Alice Oseman crazy at the moment so got her the Heartstopper books and another set. They were a lot cheaper from The Works than Amazon which surprised me.

203/365 - 22nd July
What a faff I have had getting the shopping this week. Tesco didn't deliver any of my frozen or chilled food on Thursday because they had broken down fridges and freezers so I ended up getting an Asda delivery yesterday. They delivered everything I had asked for. Phew!

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  1. So glad you got your grocery delivery squared away! It's so frustrating when stores can't fulfill the entire order. My middle son had me watch Heartstopper with him and it was such a cute show. He must have read the books at some point though since he was telling me what parts were different.

  2. I can't believe Ellie will be preparing for college or an apprenticeship next year. Where did that time go? Our kids are growing up too quickly!
    I love your sunflowers, we have grown some this year too, I think they're a really cheerful plant.
    That's terrible about your shopping delivery, glad you managed to get everything at Asda though, we use Asda and never have a problem.
    The Heartstopper books seem really popular at the moment, they must be a good read.
    And don't get me started about the heatwave, I was a mardy, melting mess! Haha. xx

  3. It was too hot for me too. I always close the windows and curtains, but then the OH comes in and opens everything so makes it all hot again. Glad you managed to get the rest of your shop - very annoying.

  4. I love your big beautiful sunflower. Books are just a wonderful gift if the giver understands the reader's interests.

  5. Love sunflowers. That pic could easily have been in my garden except that I only have 1 this year. Enjoy the rest of the summer.

  6. Glad you got your food order sorted, hope you didn't struggle too much with the heat at the beginning of the week. The sunflowers have grown well.

  7. Oh wow your sunflowers are doing really well...we have pretty much failed this year with them! I was glad when it cooled down too. Hope you have a good summer!

  8. I've not heard of that author or series so will be off to check them out. Not a fan of the heat either, especially at night. The year flew by and I can't believe my youngest only has a year left at infants then they have all finished it! #project365

  9. Your sunflowers are growing well. I never have much luck growing them. We got very close to 40’C – it was ridiculously hot wasn’t it? Thank goodness it was short-lived. Sorry to hear that Tesco let you down with your delivery – glad you managed to get everything on the Asda delivery. #project365
