This week my Word of the Week is:
Happy February! The longest month is over! I am glad to say this week has been a better week than last week. There hasn't been one thing which has magically made everything better but lots of little things which have made life a little more enjoyable.
I say that life is less better but I have literally just had a phone call which could have ruined my day but I am getting better at not letting these things stress me out. I made a couple of phone calls and everything is good again. I am not letting the little things get to me as much, it is what it is and all that jazz.
Right back to my week, Ellie started with a cold on Thursday evening and it came at just the right time as we were staying home on Friday so she could have a lazy day. She was sneezing and had a sore throat but was fine in herself. By Saturday she was a little better, snotty but that was it. She has been a trooper this week, she just gets on with things when she is under the weather and powers through, she gets it from her dad. When I am poorly I sit around and feel sorry for myself but Stu just gets on with things. I am thinking to myself I better not catch the cold, I spend a lot of time with Ellie so it's a miracle that I haven't so far.
It turns out haggis tastes better than I thought it would, we had some during the week but I didn't like the texture, it was just too crumbly and weird. The kids were the same too but Stu ate it all up but he is a human dustbin, he'll eat anything. lol The kids said lets not try anything new for a while, next week is safe but the week after there is Venison on the menu! Eek!
Becky was booking a hotel during the week (she's having another trip away) on her phone and she told me the price and I thought that didn't sound right so I got her to log in on her laptop and double check everything. Something had gone wrong somewhere and she ended up paying £130 which was better than the £170 something which she was going to pay when she was looking on her phone.
The weather here has been better than it has been, well as long as you ignore the storm over the weekend. The last few days have been sunny and bright here and I am loving it. I've made a point of getting out even though it has still been chilly.
I have no real plans for today apart from staying up late tonight to watch WWE's Royal Rumble live event. Usually the live events don't start until 1am but as it's a big one it's starting earlier. I won't be able to stay up and watch it all but even watching a little will be good as I don't usually get to.
How has your week been? I hope you have had a good one! I am of course linking up with Anne who blogs at Raisie Bay for her Word of the Week linky!
Glad your week has been better. I quite like Haggis but only once a year, I wouldn't want it on a regular basis :D It is the little things that add up sometimes to make things better. Hope Ellie is feeling better. Karen - Early Rising Mum
ReplyDeleteI'm glad things are better, and that Ellie is taking the cold in her stride. I hope you don't get it. xx
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to hear this week was a much better one for you. January was a really mixed bag wasn't it. Lucky you've avoided Ellie's cold, kids do like to share these things with you.
ReplyDeleteI think haggis has oats in it so maybe that's why you didn't like the texture.
Hope you've had a nice weekend and managed to stay awake for some of the wrestling x
A better week is good. All the little things being better is what I mean by COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS. I live for that as it makes me feel more positive and grateful. Good on you for helping your daughter with booking those tickets, that's a steal!. Hope next week is even better! Cheers!
ReplyDeleteYay! So glad January is over, what a long month! Good to hear Ellie is feeling better. There are so many colds going about with the weather being up and down. I'm so looking forward to spring.
ReplyDeleteMy week was OK, but the weekend seemed to fly by! I don't feel like I've had a break at all. xx
January always feels like such a long month. Glad last week was better for you and hope that you've managed to avoid catching Ellie's cold. Glad you checked the price for Becky's hotel and it ended up being less than she was expecting. It's nice to have some bright weather, especially at this time of year. #WotW