Saturday, 25 January 2025

This week my Word of the Week is: Gone! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:


That motivation that I had last week has gone and my upbeat mood has gone with it. We've had a few things going on which have stressed me out and made me feel a tad anxious but that just seems to be my life, especially over the last year. Everything is good now so it's nothing to worry about, it was just a blip.

When things have gone on in my life which cause me stress I feel sick, stop eating, don't sleep and fret about everything but now I seem to be getting used to the stress and I had one night of not sleeping properly, most of a day not eating well but I pulled myself out of the pit of despair that I had found myself in, had a good cry, put my big girl pants on, cooked the evening meal that I had planned and ate a little. Nothing had changed but now I refuse to let situations and things that I can't control ruin my mood for long. I keep singing "these things are sent to try us!". The line from the Wicked song What Is this Feeling. lol My family has a ton of support and people we can turn to for help so when these things are sent to try us we know who to contact.

Surprisingly apart from the day I spent stressing the rest of the week has pretty much gone to plan. Stu officially started in his new department at work and is being kept busy. He had training on Monday and Tuesday which was a nice refresher for him but everyone said it did not need to be over 2 days, they just dragged it out. In the old department that Stu was in there was a 30 minute wait time between calls now he's lucky to have 30 seconds between calls. He has learned to time the last call of the day just right so he finishes work on time. On Wednesday he ended up picking up a call at a minute to five (5pm being his finishing time) and had to deal with it before he could leave for the day.

Ellie has gone to college with the fancy new textbook that I rushed to order last week when she didn't need it until this week. lol and Becky has gone to work with a list of online training tests to do. She had just caught up from the last lot that was sent to her, she is supposed to do the training when she has a quiet moment at work, easier said than done when they are rushed off their feet.

So the past week is almost gone and is history. Next week will be better. How has your week been? I hope you have had a good one! I am of course linking up with Anne who blogs at Raisie Bay for her Word of the Week linky!

Word of the Week linky


  1. Aw matey, so sorry you've had stressful week. You know I'm always here if you need anything. I hope next week is much kinder to you. Sending lots of love and the biggest hug. xxxx

  2. I'm sorry that you've had so much stress this week. It's great that you have a good support network around you. Hope it is sorted soon for you. I'm impressed by Stu's timing his calls to make it out in time. Frustrating when you can't finish in time as normal. Hope next week is better and your motivation returns.

  3. Sorry you've had a rough week, mine has been similar but like you I'm pushing on and looking forward to a better week next week. It's really good that you've got a lot of support.
    I hope you have a lovely weekend and wake up full of motivation on Monday!

  4. You are stronger than you are and always manage to work through things. Just reimind yourself of this. I hope your mojo is fully back by this new week.. Wishing your girls and hubby all the best too.

  5. Poor Stu! I hate training that drags like that. By mid-afternoon, your eyelids are slowly closing.

  6. I really hope this week is less stressful, it sounds awful. Keep your head up and I'm sure things will get better, and all the stress will be gone x

  7. Sorry you've had a stressful week, I hope next week is better. I did smile at Stu timing his calls to he can finish on time - I used to do that when I worked in customer service! Karen - Early Rising Mum

  8. There are weeks like that, don't let this get to you. You can't always be happy or positive. It just happens.
    I hope you are feeling better this week. Hugs xx

  9. So sorry that you’ve had a stressful week. It’s good that you’ve got lots of support around you to help you through it and I’m glad that things are better now. Hope that this week is a calmer one for you. #WotW
